Reviewed by Jason Lockard
World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union joined forces to defeat the Axis powers. However, as many feared the relationship was one bound to fail.
The good folks at Mill Creek Entertainment has put together a huge documentary set of Cold War documentary films. That takes us back in time to relive that very tense time in our world's history.
The main feature in this collection is a 60 minutes documentary entitled, "Cold War Remembered". This documentary is a very well produced, informative piece of cinema. It features an amazing amount of information about the the Cold War. It is filled with interviews with the men who lived through this time and a really cool look at life of the soldiers when during downtime.
This is a film any history buff or film historian would love to have in their collection, but Mill Creek doesn't stop there. Mill Creek Entertainment, as they always do, goes above and beyond. They loaded this DVD with many more stuff. There is 15 government short subject films. Let's take a look at what is included in this collection.
A Day Called X - (1957) 27 Minutes
Narrated by Glenn Ford
Duck and Cover (1951) B&W 9 Minutes
The Challenge of Ideas - (1961) B&W 30 Minutes
Narrated by John Wayne, Edward R. Murrow, Lowell Thomas
Atomic Alert (1954) B&W 11 Minutes
Red Chinese Battle Plan (1964) B&W 25 Minutes
Target: You! (1953) B&W 9 Minutes
Warning Red (1956) B&W 13 Minutes
Our Cities Must Fight (1951) B&W 9 Minutes
Bombproof (1956) B&W 14 Minutes
About Fallout (1963) Color 24 Minutes
Town of the Times (1963) Color 25 Minutes
Let s Face It (1954) B&W 13 Minutes
What You Should Know About Biological Warfare (1952) B&W 15 Minutes
You Can Beat the A-Bomb (1950) B&W 19 Minutes
The House in the Middle (1954) Color 12 Minutes
All of these films are presented in 1.33:1 full screen format. And for the age of the films they don't look that bad at all. But they are not perfect, there is some damages to the older government film prints, but nothing that should take away from the viewing!
As for the packaging all of these films are presented on one DVD. You would think fitting this amount of information the prints would suffer, but they pretty good in this reviewers opinion.
Than in addition to the DVD Mill Creek Entertainment provides a digital copy of these documentary films that you can watch on the
Mill Creek Entertainment digital service. You can enjoy these films
anywhere. You simply sign up for a free account at and redeem the code and login on your computer, smartphone, tablet or even your Roku and binge away.
Now let's be honest here this collection I'd for a very niche audience. Not everyone can appreciate these Cold War documentaries and films. But for those that do here is an awesome collection.
So if your a fan of history, war films, our brave soldiers or documentaries. This may just be up your alley. You can head over to and pick up your copy today.
Audiences: Teens and Adults
Moral Rating: Nothing offensive
Length: Over 5 hours
Genre: Documentary, war
DVD Rating: A
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