It's the most wonderful time of the year. It's a time for children laughing, cookies baking, tree trimming and and slashing deaths? Well, if you see the new Wild Eye DVD release of Mrs Claus it is!
Independent film-maker Troy Escamilla's film was originally titled Stirring, it follows a sorority house of mean girls who push their latest pledge too far. The resulting effect is she takes revenge in a brutal murder/suicide. Fast forward to one year later. The most recent group of classmates gather at the sorority house for a Christmas party. All fun right? Wrong! They don't realize there is a bloodthirsty killer disguised as a zombie-like Mrs. Claus looking to take them out 1 by 1.
The death scenes are unique and the special effects of the death are pretty good. Than there is the rubber mask! It looks good from a distance but when it's close up it looks cheesy. As far the acting goes for me the actors felt uncomfortable in this film at least in opinion! That may be because of the script! There was not a lot of character development in the film, so when the kills happen you don't really care that much! Speaking of the kills, they are ultra brutal!

This film is a very adult film. There is a lot of adult language and violence extreme and there is some sexual situations and nudity! This film feels like it wants to be Friday the 13th or Halloween, but falls short!
Now as far as the DVD release goes the film is presented in widescreen format 2.0 audio. The bonus features include a director's commentary and trailers from other Wild Eye Releasing films.
So if your a fan of those ultra violent slasher films. Mrs. Claus might be for you. Head over to www.Amazon.com and get your copy today. Don't forget to check out the catalogue of films from Wild Eyed Releasing.
Moral Rating: profanity, nudity and extreme violence
Audience: Adults
Genre: horror
Length: 1 Hours 27 Minutes
DVD Released: 2018
DVD Rating: C