In the early days of cinema it was discovered that people enjoyed fresh content weekly so they came up with serials. These were short films that ended in a cliffhanger and the next week you would come back and see the next installment! This was big business, and the audiences couldn't get enough!
So films companies began churning them out right and left featuring all kinds of action. One of the favorites was The Adventures of Tarzan. Now Alpha Video has released the feature length version of this silent movie serial on DVD.
The film takes the stories from Edgar Rice Burroughs The return of Tarzan and Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar and melds them into one complete story line. When Jane has kidnapped, all because she has a map to the ancient city of Opar tattooed on her back. It is up to her strong love Tarzan, played by Elmo Lincoln to rescue Jane and return her to safety.

As we said this is a feature length film running 73 minutes long. The reason for the feature length version is because the complete 15 chapter serial just no longer exists after all this is almost 100 years ago! So this is a piece of cinematic history! The story does suffer a little from not being complete, but action scenes make up a little for that.
This release is for a very niche audience. Film
aficionados, silent film fanatics, or fans of Tarzan. This one is not for everyone But the film does look and sound pretty good considering it is almost 100 years old.
So if this sounds like a film you'd like to check out, I suggests heading over to Oldies.com and getting a copy for yourself and enjoy the old silent era of cinema adventure.
Moral Rating: Nothing offensive
Audience: Families
Genre: Action adventure
Length: 73 Minutes
DVD Released: 2018
DVD Rating: B