I have a tremendous amount of respect for our military! The brave men and women who risk their very lives and some even give their lives all to keep America a free nation! Some of my family were military, so when the opportunity presented itself to see the new Mill Creek Entertainment DVD release WWI: The war to end all wars, I jumped at the chance.
This 10 part documentary series takes you inside the first world war with actual battle footage. The narration of Robin Thompson is stellar. Taking you on this journey right on the front lines to see the carnage and military operations.
The episodes contained in this series include; 1. With Flags Waving, 2. The Battle of the Frontiers, 3. The Taxis of the Marne, 4. A War of Chemicals and Engineering, 5. Flyboys, 6. Citadel, 7. Distant Fronts, 8. Revolt, 9. Changing Tide and 10. End Game.
This 2 disc DVD documentary series in an unflinching look at the War that was to end all wars, but sadly didn't. It is so masterfully crafted that it will keep any history lover entrenched for hours. 5 episodes are included on each disc and the audio and video are surprisingly pretty good when you realize World War 1 ended 100 years ago was.
Check out this clip.
As you can see war is real and war is a nightmare. That is why I hold our military in such high regard. They are willing to do something that most of us would not be willing to do.
This releases isn't for everyone but for fans of historical films, documentaries or war epics, this is a must add to your collection. And with a bonus of a digital copy to boot that you can watch anywhere you have a internet connection, how can you go wrong. Head over to your DVD provider or MillCreekEnt.com today and pick up your copy of WWI: The war to end all wars.
Moral Rating: War violence
Audience: Images will be too intense for some viewers
Genre: War Military
Length: Over 7 Hours
DVD Released: 2018
DVD Rating: A