

4/20 Massacre (2018) {DVD Review}

Reviewed by Jason S. Lockard

Horror / Slasher movie fans are a rabid bunch. They love their gory kills! Than there is the fans of stoner comedies! They love the funny antics that ensue when the characters enjoy a little recreational fun! So put these two genres together and you get the film 4/20 Massacre. Now thank to Film Chest media group fans can own the 1st Stoner Slasher film on DVD.

4/20 Massacre follows a group of five women who go camping in the woods to celebrate a friend’s birthday which just happens to be on 4/20 which is the official holiday for weed enthusiasts. While on their way to the campsite they meet they creepy Ranger Rick (played by Jim Storm of the original Dark Shadows fame). He warns them of not to get lost in the woods as the inhabitants are not so nice shall we say! Well soon the campers come across an illegal marijuana growing operation. As they celebrate 4/20 with a little puff puff, soon they are living a nightmare as one by one they are being picked off by a monstrous looking creature straight out of a drug induced high!

The film itself is doesn't take itself seriously! It's just trying to make you laugh one second and jump the next! The film does try to build characters for over half of the film and than the slashing begins. For true slasher film lovers it might seem like a long wait till the killing begins! The kills are typical slasher fare and there is a good deal of profanity which is to be expected in a slasher film. I think most slasher fans will love the gore! Writer, director and editor Dylan Reynolds tries to make this truly a slasher films for this generation with the advent of weed and LGBT characters.

The Film Chest DVD includes a high quality copy of the feature film. Than the bonus features include; An Interviews with the ladies who star in this film, also a special interview with Jim Storm reliving his career. There is also a commentary track and closed captioning included in this DVD.

In my opinion this film is not going to take the place of Halloween or other classic slasher horror films, not at all! But for fans that can't get enough of this genre, it's not a bad choice for a little escapism!

So while I may not be a huge slasher film fan, you may be! If your a fan of slasher or stoner films! You may want to pick up this stoner/slasher film. It is available now head over to and get a copy for yourself today!

Moral Rating: profanity, violence, sexual content and drug use
Audience: Adults only
Length: 1 hour 24 Minutes
DVD Release: 2018
DVD Rating: B

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