Bob Hope was an icon in comedy. I have loved his comedy ever since I first watched my first Bob Hope film as a kid. But as funny as he was he was even a more amazing man donating most of his life to entertaining the troop who were overseas.
Kino Lorber Studio Classics have been releasing on Blu-ray three amazing classic Bob Hope films this year. My Favorite Blonde, Caught in the Draft and Nothing But Trouble. Now it s time for another Hope Classic to shine, that is 1959s Alias Jesse James.
The film follows life insurance salesman Milford Farnsworth (Bob Hope) who sells a six-figure policy to notorious gunslinger Jesse James (Wendell Corey). When his boss finds out who the policy was sold to he hits the ceiling and orders him to repurchase the policy. When all attempts fail. James' decides to dress up Farnsworth as Jesse James to get him killed and he and his sweetheart, Cora Lee Collins (Rhonda Fleming) will collect the money and hightail it out of town. But it doesn't quite go according to plans.
Now Bob Hope has been in the old west before with Paleface and Son of Paleface. And as much as I love them, I think Alias Jesse James is a much funnier than either of those films. Rhonda Fleming and Wendell Corey are cast very well opposite the comedy legend. And the final climax of this film must be seen to be believed. It features a load of stars, Fess Parker, Gary Cooper, Roy Rogers, Jay Silverheels, Hugh O'Brian, James Arness, Ward Bond, Gail Davis, Bing Crosby and Scatman Crothers.
Now due to a myriad legal problems with the rights, these cameos in other releases had to be cut out! I am proud to say that they are in full effect in this Blu-ray release. The crazy off the wall antics seem to never end in this film. The film kept me laughing throughout! And for a comedy you can't ask more than that.
Norman Z. McLeod directed Bob Hope previously in the above mentioned 1948's The Paleface. He was no stranger to directing comedies Monkey Business (1931), Horse Feathers (1932), Topper (1937), Topper Takes a Trip (1939), (1934) W.C. Fields It's A Gift, 1947's The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. This would be his final feature film and what a way to go out... keep 'em laughing.
Now Kino Lorber Studio Classics have released this western comedy classic in 1080p in widescreen format. While this may not be a 4K scan as the other Bob Hope releases this year were, it is still a pretty nice looking transfer. There is no damage to the print. The colors are bright and the picture is sharp and audio is clear.

Kino Lorber made sure to add the English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing and the awesome theatrical trailer. I am a sucker for trailers! I would love to have seen a audio commentary, but having this Hope western comedy on Blu-ray is more than enough to make me happy.
I am really enjoying all the love the Kino Lorber is giving to these Bob Hope films. If you love good clean comedy, it doesn't get much better than Bib Hope. And Alias Jesse James is so much fun to watch. I know I will be watching this one again and again.
So if you love the comedy of Bob Hope as much as I do! I can not recommend this Blu-ray of Alias Jesse James enough. Head over to and order your copy today.
Out of 4 Film reels (4 being the best) Kino Lorber's Blu-ray of Alias Jesse James receives...