At the posting of this is article this Star Wars Day (May 4th 2019). I am a huge Star Wars fans. Each and every year the week of May 4th I watch every single Star Wars film in a marathon as a time of celebration! As I have re-watched them time after time now I think it is a good time for me to rank the films from worst to best!
It is good to note the animated films and TV series will not be on this list. This is only for the live action films. Also note this list is my own personal opinion!
13. Star Wars Holiday Special: So bad it doesn't even deserve to be on the list! But like it or not it is part of the Star Wars Universe.
12. The Battle for Endor: While the Ewoks are awesome in this film and the action is good. The story suffers from lack of the family dynamic
11. Solo A Star Wars Story: While I enjoyed this film and I thought Donald Glover did good as Lando, Alden Ehrenreich has iconic shoes to fill.
10. The Last Jedi: I think the Force Awakens did a remarkable job building anticipation! But Rian Johnson took this episode down a confusing path!
9. Caravan of Courage: This TV movie was a great mix of adventure, heart and the cute ewoks. It is perfect for the entire family!
8. The Phantom Menace: This was the first of the prequels and it got off to an exciting start, but one word, "midichlorians" nuff said.
7. Attack of the Clones: We had heard about the clone wars, but we never really got the know what it was all about! This film set it up nicely!
6. Rogue One: We new the rebels had the plans to the the Death Star, but how! We found out in Rogue One! And seeing General Tarkin and Princess Leia in CGI amazing!
5. The Force Awakens: I like many when I heard about a new trilogy was excited, but guarded. I wasn't sure how they were going to handle my favorite franchise. It was really pretty well done!
4. Revenge of the Sith: I feel Darth Vader is the greatest movie villian of all time. And to see how Anakin transitions to Darth Vader and the emotional roller coaster this film takes you on, it deserves this spot on the list!
3. The Return of the Jedi: The much anticipated emotional final confrontation between father and son. The introduction of the Ewoks is enough to land this film #3 on our list.
2. A New Hope: No one knew how Star Wars the first movie was going to change the world of film making. The film took us to a galaxy far far away and will always be one of the best in the series in my opinion.
1. Empire Strike Back: I like many love 2nd film in the original trilogy! I think it is a stellar piece of cinema. The planet Hoth is probably my favorite in all of Star Wars history. Between the danger Luke finds himself in right off the bat, to the sacrificing of Han Solo this is a true emotional roller coaster and I love every minute of it!
Whether you are a fan of the new trilogy, the prequels or the original trilogy. Or if you love them all one this is for sure this film franchise will loved hated and debated till the end of time!
As we said in the beginning of this article! These is my own personal preference! This is a cool thing about films. While some people love certain ones, others will find them terrible! Do you agree with my list? What is your favorite Star Wars film? Weigh-in in the comments! We would love to hear what you think!
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