100 Tears (2007) Blu-ray Review

Gory horror films are an acquired taste, but gore hounds love them and for them the more blood the better. If you are looking for gory Blu-rays they don't get much more bloody than Unearthed Films Blu-rays. Over the past couple years we have seen films that just literally turn your stomach. Films like The Sound of Summer, August Underground Trilogy, Calamity of Snakes, and The Profane Exhibit

Clowns were to make people laugh, yet some people fear clowns. And of course, Stephen King didn't help that fear with this novel IT. In 2007 another diabolical clown became something of a nightmare with the film 100 Tears. Now Unearthed Films have released this gory nightmare of a film on Blu-ray. 

Synopsis: After being accused of crimes he did not commit, a lonely circus performer Gurdy the Clown exacts his revenge on those who unjustly condemned him. The act sparks something inside of him which he cannot stop and now, years later, his inner-demons have truly surfaced. Part urban legend, part tabloid sensationalism... he is now an unstoppable murderous juggernaut, fueled only by hate.

Not since Stephen King's Pennywise has a clown been more frightening that that of Gurdy. 100 Tears is a gory, violent, blood-filled nightmare of a film. So reall are the effects that it almost turned my stomach a few times. So this could be a hard film to sit through for some people. But 100 Tears is more than just a gore fest, there is a real backstory here. That is a huge plus!

Jack Amos is so creepy as Gurdy the Clown. His performance will haunt your dreams. But let's be honest this is a campy horror splaterfest. Don't go into this expecting a great slasher film like Halloween, you're going to be disappointed. But if you watch this film ready to enjoy the absurdity, you'll have a good time.

Unearthed Films has transferred 100 tears to Blu-ray on 1080p and is presented in 1.77:1 aspect ratio. The audio track is 2.0 PCM English track. There is also the option for English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing.

This is a low budget production so don't expect 4k crystal clarity here. But for a low budget film I was extremely impressed with how good the picture looked. Unearthed Films always put their best foot forward and here with 100 Tears is no different. In addition to a nice-looking transfer there is bonus a nice amount of bonus features on this disc as well!

Bonus Materials
* Audio Commentary with Director Marcus Koch
* Audio Commentary with Director Marcus Koch & Stephen Biro
* Interview with Director Marcus Koch
* Making of 100 Tears
* Original Behind the Scenes
* Additional Behind the Scenes
* Outtakes
* Marcus Koch's Childhood Short Films
* Trailer

 As for the bonus features I love that Director Marcus Koch gave us 2 audio commentaries and a bonus interview. Really letting sit alongside him in the director's haor for the making of this film. I also love the addition of the making of featurette. And the short films are a great archival bonus. Unearthed Films really went above and beyond for this release.

They say "Everyone Loves a Clown." Well, as the tag line for 100 Tears suggests it's a bit different with this film. In this film "Everyone Loathes a Clown." If you are terrified by clowns and are looking for a film that will haunt your dreams, well, Unearthed Films Blu-ray of 100 tears will do just that. Head over to
MVD Shop or Amazon and order your copy today.

Out of 4 film reels (4 being the best) the Blu-ray release of 100 Tears recieves..... 

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