Review: Horror Hotel (1960) Reel Vault DVD

Christopher Lee is an icon of horror films, including The Curse of Frankenstein, The Wicker Man, The Skull, The Mummy, Terror of the Tongs, The Gorgon, and my personal favorite Horror of Dracula. In 1960 Christopher Lee would star in a mystery horror film that has become a cult classic. Originally titled The City of the Dead than later retitled Horror Hotel.

Now just in time for the Halloween season the good folks at Reel Vault are releasing Horror Hotel on DVD. The perfect time. Get ready for mystery, shock and terror like on Christopher Lee can bring.

Welcome to Whitewood, a ramshackle Massachusetts town that had been the site of 17th-century witch burnings. When a curious co-ed (Venetia Stevenson) with an interest in witchcraft pays Whitewood a visit at the urging of her history professor (Christopher Lee), she lands in the clutches of a coven whose leader is bound by a devilish pact. 

Horror Hotel is a slow burn horror movie and I love it so much. These classic horror films relied on story, acting and set design to bring the horror unlike the splatter and slasher films of this day. Call me crazy but to me these these slow burn horror films are more imaginative and more effective.

While Christopher Lee is not front and center for the entire film when is is on screen is his presence is chilling to say the least. The rest of the cast while not iconic names do a great job. The cast includes, Venetia Stevenson (The Sergeant was a Lady), Betta St. John (Destry  Rides Again), Dennis Lotis (Sword of Sherwood Forest), Valentine Dyall (Doctor Who) and Patricia Jessel (The Man Upstairs)

Now Reel Vault has transferred this film to DVD in widescreen format with the audio track a Dolby Digital 2.0. The picture quality is unbelievable. It is as crisp as a new 100 dollar bill. There is no signs of damage to this print and the audio is as clear as a bell! 

A stunning transfer is what this DVD has going for it. There is no bonus features. That is a bit of a shame. I would love to see a trailer or English subtitles for audio commentary something as a bonus would have been nice. But that does not diminish how great this film looks on this release. 

If you are looking for a great creepy, atmospheric horror film for the Halloween season, you can't go wrong with Horror Hotel. The film drags you in from the first scene and keeps you invested to the very end. 

So if you are a fan of Christopher Lee or good old fashion horror Horror Hotel is going to be right up your alley. Head over to DeepDiscount and order your copy today!

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Out of 4 film reels (4 being the best) Reel Vault's DVD release of Horror Hotel receives...

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