Justice League (Theatrical -vs- The Snyder Cut)

Written By Jason Lockard

A live action Justice League movie was something fans had been desiring for years and Zack Snyder was brought on board to lead this production. It seemed like a very good option after his success with 300 and The Watchmen. But after a horrible loss of his daughter he decided to leave the production to be with his family.

Warner Brothers not wanted to see this film go into limbo decided to bring in Joss Whedon in to complete the film. After major re-shoots and reworks to the script, Justice League was released in theaters on November 17, 2017. The film would eventually cost Warner Brothers $60 million.

Ever since this release there has been a social media movement of #releasethesnydercut. Finally after years of people pleading with Warner Brothers, Zack Snyder was given his chance to release his film via HBO Max.

At the time of this writing The Snyder Cut of Justice League just last week got it's home video release. We at Classic Cinema Plus finally got our opportunity to see this film. Coming in at 4 hours you know there is a lot of video added to this version. So in the following video we compare the two films the Theatrical Version versus The Snyder Cut version.

We would appreciate you watching the video and let us know your thoughts on this film. Do you prefer The Theatrical Version or the epic Zack Snyder Version. We would love to hear from you! Thanks for reading and watching this video.

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