If you were a child of the early 70s no doubt on Saturday Mornings you marveled at the exploits of Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp. The show starred an all chimpanzee cast and was a take on Get Smart and the Man from Uncle.
Now I was not born yet when this show was on the air. But I am a fan Get Smart so no doubt I had to check this one out! Now thanks to Film Chest Media Group we can relive those adventures all over again!
Sandler Burns Marmer Productions brought us; Lance Link and Mata Hairi, who were agents of A.P.E. (Agency to Prevent Evil) battling Baron Von Butcher (voiced by Get Smart’s Bernie Kopell) and his evil organization C.H.U.M.P. (Criminal Headquarters for Underworld Master Plan). In each episode, A.P.E. agents also performed as members of the rock group, the Evolution Revolution, introduced by Ed Simian, a funny take on variety host Ed Sullivan. This series was not made to bring a social commentary or try to change the world it was just good clean fun.
Here is what is included in this DVD Set:
Disc One:
Episode 1: There's no business like snow business
Episode 2: The Lone Ape / Missile Beach Party
Episode 3: The Mysterious motorcycle Menace / The great beauty contest
Episode 4: CHUMP takes a holiday / To tell the truth
Episode 5: The great brain drain / The great double double cross
Episode 6: Lance of Arabia / The doctor goes APE
Episode 7: The Surfin' Spy / The Missing Link
Episode 8: Bonana / The Greatest chase in the world
Episode 9: The reluctant Robot / The royal foil
Disc Two
Episode 10: The great great race / The great plane plot
Episode 11: Landlubber Lance / The Temporary Thanksgiving Turkey truce
Episode 12: The dreaded Hong Kong Sneeze / The Great Bank Robbery
Episode 13: The sour taste of Success / The Baron's Birthday Ball
Episode 14: The golden Swwword / The Chilling chump chase
Episode 15: The Spy who went ouyt in thew cold / Too Many CHUMPs
Episode 16: The CHUMP code caper / Weather or Not
Episode 17: The Evolution Revolution / The Great Water Robbery
If this wasn't enough to get you to want to add this one to your collection there is a bonus disc featuring 11 music videos featuring The Evolution Revolution. Interviews with producer Allan Sandler and musical director Bob Emenegger. "I created Lancelot Link" documentary. 7 minutes of vignettes entitled Chimpies and more.
I have to say this is a really cute and amazingly sweet little series. Yes it is geared for kids, but the adults are going to find a lot of enjoyment out of this series too. I can not recommend this one enough!
So if you love spy spoof films or series Lancelot Link Secret Chimp is an absolute must add. Head over to www.Amazon.com and pick up a copy for yourself.
Audiences: Families
Objectionable Material: nothing
Length: Over 8 Hours
Genre: Action, Comedy
DVD Rating: A