Edgar Rice Burroughs created the amazing character Tarzan the Ape Man. The adventures of Tarzan thrilled readers for years. And when cinema became a reality there was no doubting that Tarzan would transition to the big screen. Now through the years many actors would put on the iconic loin cloth and bellow that signature yell. But none better than Herman Brix.
Movie serials were extremely popular in early cinema. Theaters would show part on of a serial and patrons would have to come back the next week to see what happens, thus bringing repeat business to the theaters. This was a brilliant marketing campaign. Well, in 1935 Herman Brix's serial The New Adventures of Tarzan took to theaters.
Now it may seem hard to believe, but this serial is celebrating its 90th birthday! That is just epic. So, for this epic birthday this serial is receiving a new Blu-ray release from the good folks at Film Masters.
Synopsis: Tarzan travels to Guatemala to search for a missing friend in The new Adventures of Tarzan, an action-packed entry in the jungle saga in the form of a 12 chapter serial. The plot concerns a Mayan ruin that supposedly holds hidden jewels and the famous Green Goddess, an ancient idol being sought by Ula Vale and Major Martling.
This is one of the best Tarzan serials ever produced. Probably Tarzan's creator Edgar Rice Burroughs served as the serial's producer. So, who better to produce that the creator himself. And Herman Brix is spectacular as Tarzan the body type, the way he carries himself, he literally embodies Tarzan. The 12 episodes of this serial run 4 hours in length, but they are a fast-paced four hours, and you don't even realize the time, it goes that fast!
The 12 episodes of this serial has been transferred to Blu-ray in 1080p and is presented in the original 1.33:1 aspect ratio. The audio is a DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0. There is also the option for English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing. These episodes have been restored in HD and look really nice.
The restoration is not pristine. There are some lines in the picture, but when you think that this serial is 90 years old, if any of us make it to 90 will be lucky if all we have wrong area couple of lines. The picture quality is pretty remarkable thought. Now for addition features on this Blu-ray, there are no bonus features! I would have like to see a featurette chronicling the history of Tarzan. That would have made this release even better. Then there is the fact that this is a made-on-demand disc. These are not pressed Blu-rays. I prefer pressed discs as they have a much longer shelf life.
Still all-in-all this is a really nice Blu-ray release. You can go wrong with newly restored serial in HD! So, if you love the adventures of the Ape Man. You need to see the best version with the New Adventures of Tarzan and the best way to experience it is in HD on Blu-ray. Head over to Amazon and order your copy today!