Who doesn't love to take a trip into the simpler time of the Old West? To get away from technology and just live the simple life. Well, while there is no time machine to take us there, we can relive those times through the movies. Enjoying the fun of horses and guns. Saloons and shootouts. Well, Spaghetti westerns were big money makers in the 60s and 70s.
Now the good folks at Mill Creek Entertainment has released a 4 western movie set on DVD. Let's take a look at what is included in this collection.
Our Rating System:
**** = Don’t Miss it!
*** = Worth a look.
** = An Ok way to spend an evening.
* = You haven’t missed anything.
DJANGO SHOOTS FIRST (1966) The legendary Django recovers his father's dead body but becomes the victim of his father's enemies when they try to set him up for a murder rap. ***
DJANGO'S CUT PRICE CORPSES (1971) Django's fiancee is abducted by The Cortez Brothers and their gang who robbed a bank. Now Django, Sheriff Fulton and a man named Pickwick are after them but all for different reasons. **
BAD MAN'S RIVER (1971) An outlaw and two con men scam the Mexican government of $1 million. Now they have to avoid the attentions of, the Mexican army and Billy the Kid - all of whom are eager to claim the cash for themselves. **
STING OF THE WEST (1972) A pair of frontier con men are trying to sell a supposedly worthless gold mine. When they find out the mine is real they try to get the deed back. This is western comedy! **
While these films are not the greatest in spaghetti western history. These are solid shoot'em up western goodness. And the actors are some who's who in Hollywood history, including; Lee Van Cleef, James Mason, Gina Lollobrigida, Jack Palance and Lionel Stander. Plus there is a great supporting cast as well.
The films Django Shoots First, Django’s Cut Price Corpses and Bad Man’s River are all presented with a widescreen 1.78 aspect ratio while Sting of the West is shown with a 1.33 full frame aspect ratio. All four films are on one DVD disc.
For the most part the films are pretty good quality. Sting if the West probably looks the worst, but still is very watchable. For me personally I love the weathered look of the old west movie prints. It really takes me into the past and I feel like I am watching a real historical account.
In this collection all four films on a DVD disc. Now you would think the quality would suffer, but personally I think they look just fine. So if you love those rustic old west adventures. This 4 movie collection is a must add. Head over to MillCreekEnt.com and pick up your copy today.
Moral Rating: violence
Audience: Teens and Adults
Genre: Western, Drama, Comedy
Length: almost 6 hours
Released: 2019
DVD Value Rating: A
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