A miracle is defined as 'a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.' Many have witnessed miracles in their lives, but are miracles really true?
Well, Centre Communications and Mill Creek Entertainment joined forces to try to uncover the truth behind these ''un-explainable'' events.
Miracles The power of Faith is a four part documentary series. In this series a film making team explores the questions, What are these miraculous events? Where do they come from? And what do they mean? If miracles are real, are they divine intervention and what is the role of spirituality, religion and prayer?
In this series we hear the thoughts of theologians, historians, experts, actual witnesses and visits to the locations where it is believed some of the most beautiful and profound miracles occurred. Including, National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi, El Rancho De las Golandrinas, El Santuario de Chimayo and many other beautiful edifices.
The four documentary episodes are as follows:
1. Religion, Miracles and Prayer
2. Angels, Spirit guides and signs
3. Miracle healings and spirit bodies
4. Synchronicity, science and Astral travel
I found this series very informative. Writer / Producer Ron Meyer did a tremendous job crafting this series. The narration work of Joseph Morton is masterful. Than there is the music by David Arkenstone such an awesome accompaniment to this series. And the graphics designed for this series really are visually alluring.
All 4 episodes are included on one DVD disc. Each documentary episode runs over one hour in length. They are presented in 1.78:1 Widescreen format and Dolby digital audio. They look and sound spectacular.
Now not only do you get the complete documentary series n DVD. In addition you get the digital copies of all four films through the Mill Creek Entertainment digital service. You can enjoy these films anytime anywhere. You simply sign up for a free account at www.Watch.MillCreekEnt.com and redeem the code and login on your computer, smartphone, tablet or even your Roku and binge away.
Now this is not a series for everyone of course. But if you love documentaries, or are on a journey of faith to understand more about miracles this is a great little series four you. Head over to MillCreekEnt.com and pick up your copy today.
Moral Rating: Nothing offensive
Audience: Families
Genre: Documentary
Length: Over 4 hours
Released: 2019
DVD Value Rating: A
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