

Against The Storm: Flicker Alley Blu-ray Review

World War II was a very scary time in our world. The evil of Hitler and the Nazis was undeniable. That is why fighting against that evil was so necessary. So many filmmakers made films spotlighting the evil of the Nazis.

One of the filmmakers that made it his goal to spotlight that evil was Herbert Kline. Herbert Kline made his breakthrough documentary Crisis as the storm clouds of impending war gathered over Europe in 1938. 

Now the Museum of Modern Art and Flicker Alley have released a deluxe edition of Herbet Kline Films on Blu-ray entitled Against the Storm.

Our Rating System:
****=Don’t Miss it!
***=Worth a look.
**=An Ok way to spend an evening.
*=You haven’t missed anything.

Crisis: A Film of "The Nazi Way" (1939) A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War 2. ***

Lights out in Europe (1940) A documentary chronicling the outbreak of World War II in Europe. ***

I never lived through the terror of World War II, and I am glad for that. Especially when I see films like these. To see the fear that people must have lived through. The fear of not knowing what tomorrow held, or if there would even be a tomorrow. These are important film to relive and to remember the lives of those who had to go through this terrible time in history.

Museum of Modern Art have restored both of these films Crisis: A Film of the Nazi Way and Lights Out in Europe in high definition from the best elements that could be found. And what restorations they are. The quality of these restorations brings a tremendous detail to the documentaries. The mono audio tracks are crisp with no hiss or pops that I could hear. There is also the option for English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing.

But two stellar looking restored films is not all that is included in this deluxe release. Not by a longshot. Flicker Alley added some very cool bonus features to this Blu-ray. Take a look at what is included.

* Audio Commentary for Crisis: A film of the Nazi Way
* Audio Commentary for Lights out in Europe
* Peace! The Four Power Conference (1938)
* The White Eagle (1942)
* Image Gallery
* Booklet Insert

As you can see there are two insightful audio commentaries. But the addition of the 1938 newsreel and the 1942 Oscar-nominated documentary short narrated by Leslie Howard. This takes this nice historical documentary release, to a must own Blu-ray for historical film fans.

If you like historical documentaries as much as I do. I think you will find Against the Storm Blu-ray a great addition to your Blu-ray collection. Head over to
Amazon and order your copy today!

Out of 4 Film Reels (4 being the Best) Flicker Alley's Blu-ray of Against The Storm receives...

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