

Paranormal Highway (Mill Creek Entertainment DVD Review)

Paranormal Highway documentary series on DVD
There are a lot of unexplained phenomenon in our world. There are areas in the United States known for mysterious and unexplained phenomena. Thus the reason for so many investigative series.

Teams go after ghosts, bigfoot, chupacabra, aliens and more. Now the good folks at Mill Creek Entertainment have released a DVD featuring a 5 part investigative series entitled Paranormal Highway. 

Our Rating System:
****=Don’t Miss it!
***=Worth a look.
**=An OK way to spend an evening.
*=You haven’t missed anything.

1. The Paranormal Northwest: The team heads to the Pacific Northwest to pick up the trail of Bigfoot and related unexplained events. ***

2. Ghosts and UFOs: Investigators travel to the northern Front Range of Colorado and the surrounding abandoned mining towns to find ghosts, apparitions and strange moving objects. ***

3. The Impossible in the Ouachitas: The team heads to Board Camp Crystal Mine in Arkansas were reports of remarkable paranormal phenomena have been frequently occurring. ***

4. Hauntings and Apparitions: Investigators travel to Cheyenne, Wyoming, which is called the most haunted city in the United States. ***

5. Beast of Bray Road and Bigfoot: The team partner up with Bigfoot researcher, Jay Bachochin, who takes them to a Bigfoot hotspot as they also search for "The Beast of Bray Road." ***

As with all investigative series these are mostly information with little to no action. But if you ever watched shows like ghost hunters or Expedition unknown than you know what you are in for. So this collection is not for people who are looking for action-packed sci-fi movies.

All 5 of these almost 50 minute episodes have been transferred in 1.78 widescreen aspect ratio with a Dolby Digital 2.0 track. There is also English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing. These documentaries are new so they have not been restored, because they don't need to be. They look pretty good as they are.

Now Mill Creek Entertainment could have stopped there, but they didn't. They included another full length feature investigative film entitled Alien Contact in the Rockies. A extremely interesting documentary, with a very interesting hypothesis (I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it).  So that is 2 discs and almost 6 hours of entertainment.

So if you are a fan of the paranormal documentaries I think you may be interested in this new DVD set from Mill Creek Entertainment. You get a lot of bang for your buck with this set. You can order a copy of Paranormal Highway by heading over to Amazon or Deep Discount today.

 Out of 4 film reels (4 being the best) Mill Creek Entertainment's DVD release of Paranormal Highway receives...

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