

Dr. Who Monster Gift Set

Reviewed by Jason Lockard

Dr. Who is one of the longest reigning television shows in history. It aired on the BBC from 1963 to 1989 that is 26 seasons. Than in 2005 it was revived for a new series of adventures with new Doctors. Now you might ask how a show could last that many seasons. It is simple. Dr. Who stars an extraterrestrial who the audience only knows as "The Doctor". He is a space and time traveler who fights all kinds of evil. And when he is mortally wounded he just regenerates himself. Thus there have been multiple doctors over the series.

The most famous Doctor would probably be Peter Cushing in the 1966 movie Dr. Who and the Daleks. My favorite Doctor is most defiantly the fourth one Tom Baker. But I have wanted to experience more of the Doctor Who universe, so when I saw this Doctor Who Monster Gift set I had to check it out.

This four disc DVD set contained episodes that are centered around Doctor Who's most fierce and dangerous of enemies. The Daleks and The Cybermen. Take a look at what is included in this set.

Our Rating System:
****=Don’t Miss it!
***=Worth a look.
**=An OK way to spend an evening.
*=You haven’t missed anything.

Cybermen Collection

David Tennant as the 10th Dr. Who

* Army of Ghosts The human race sees the ghosts of loved ones return home. But it is not a happy reunion as there is something much more sinister afoot. ****

* Doomsday  It's the end of an epic journey, as two mighty armies wage war across the Earth with the human race caught in the middle. But the Doctor faces an even greater dilemma. **** 

Matt Smith as the 11th Dr. Who

* Closing time On a farewell tour in the last days of his life, the Doctor visits an old friend, where he discovers the Cybermen siphoning energy from a department store. ***

* Nightmare in Silver
 Hedgewick's World of Wonders is the perfect theme park day out, and ground zero for a deadly silver resurrection. ***

Peter Capladi as the 12th Dr. Who

* Dark Water In the mysterious world called the Nethersphere, Missy comes face-to-face with the Doctor, and an impossible choice. ***

* Death in Heaven With Cybermen on the streets of London, the Doctor takes to the air in a startling new role. ***

Peter Davison as the fifth Dr. Who

* Earth Shock (4 Part) The Cybermen are released from their silos and are on the march, attacking Briggs's crew and making sure that the freighter remains on course for Earth. ***

* Cybermen Origins: A near 20 minute documentary 

Daleks Collection

Christopher Eccelson as the 9th Dr. Who

* Dalek Billionaire collector Henry Van Statten holds the last relic of an alien race. When the Doctor investigates, he soon realizes that his oldest enemy is about to break free. ****

David Tennant as the 10th Dr. Who

* The Stolen Earth Earth's greatest heroes join together to fight the New Dalek Empire, but lurking in the shadows is an old enemy. ***

* Journey's End 
As Davros and the Daleks threaten the entire universe, the Doctor's companions join forces. However, the prophecy declares that one of them will die. ***

Matt Smith as the 11th Dr. Who

* Asylum of the Daleks The Doctor and his friends must escape from a planetary prison, but Rory becomes separated from the Doctor and Amy. **

Peter Capaldi as the 12th Dr. Who

* Into the Dalek The Doctor's greatest enemy surrounds a rebel ship. To save everyone, he and Clara must choose to venture into the most dangerous place in the universe. ***

Tom Baker as the 4th Dr. Who

* Genesis of the Daleks (6 Part) The Doctor and his companions are sent to the planet Skaro by the Time Lords to prevent the creation of the Daleks. ****

* Dalek Origins: A near 20 minute documentary.

This is an amazing set of Dr. Who episodes featuring The Doctors greatest villains. The one down side I see with this set is the fact that  the episode Closing Time ends in an unresolved cliffhanger. If you don't have the complete Matt Smith series the conclusion episode "The Wedding of River Song" you will never see. I think even though this is not a Dalek episode it should have been included on the set as an Easter Egg or a special bonus feature. 

One of the coolest features of this Monster Gift Set however is a replica of 10th Doctor's The Sonic Screwdriver that doubles as a pen. This was one of the major selling points for me on this set.

Sonic Screwdriver Pen

Along with amazing Doctors we have come to love there are some amazing stars that show up in this set including, James Corden (The Late, Late Show), Warwick Davis (Willow, Leprechuan, Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi) and Camille Coduri (King Ralph)

As an introduction to the Dr. Who universe this is nice set. But by no means is it perfect. It could have been a whole lot better. But I am still thrilled to have it at Classic Cinema Plus studios. If you would like to have a copy of this set in your collection head over to Amazon and order your copy today.

Out of Four TV Sets (Four Being the Best) the Doctor Who Monster DVD Gift set receives...

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