Girl on a Chain Gang (1966) {The Film Detective Blu-ray Review}

The Film Detective Something Weird Bluray
Reviewed By Jason Lockard

Jerry Gross was a film director, producer and distributor, but what he was best known for was the exploitation films. Some of the notable films he produced include, Teenage Mother (1967), Female Animal (1970), Sweet Sweetback's BaadAsssss Song (1971), Son of Dracula (1973), The Black Godfather (1974). 

Well in 1966 Jerry Gross produced, wrote and directed an exploitation film who's story was years ahead of it's time. We are talking Girl on a Chain Gang. Now the good folks at The Film Detective and Something Weird Video have released this film on Blu-ray.

The film follows three young adults Ted Branch (Ron Segal, Teenage Mother), Jean Rollins (Julie Ange, Teenage Mother) and Audie Dixon (uncredited) are driving through the south in the hopes to get people registered to vote. They are pulled over and wrongfully accused of speeding! They are then brought before Sheriff Sonny Lew Wymer (William Watson, TV Mini-series Roots, In The Heat of the night). They soon realize they are in a corrupt town and the trio would soon be eliminated down to just the young lady Jean. She soon finds herself in before the kangaroo court and is sentenced to a prison work camp.

Now with all of Jerry Gross films the title is a bit misleading. You really are expecting to see this lady having to go through the tough chain gang experience. Well the girl is not on a chain gang except for the final few minutes at the end of the film and that happens off camera.

I must say this film is years ahead of it's time. With the #MeToo movement women are finding a voice, this films truly feels like a film that could be produced in this day. A message of impowering women.

The Film Detective Blu-ray still images

Now everyone in this film does a great job, but William Watson is mesmerizing as he plays the evil sheriff. You literally can not take your eyes off of him. It's like you love to hate him. The film cinematography is tremendous. You can really tell Girl on a Chain Gang was inspired by historical events in Mississippi just two years earlier and also by the 50s classic Sidney Poitier and Tony Curtis film The Defiant Ones. 

Girl On a Chain Gang transferred in 1080p and is presented in the original 1.33:1 aspect ratio. The soundtrack is a DTS monaural. Now this new transfer looks pretty nice albeit there is some scratches and wear and tear on this print. Near the end of the film there is a portion of the film that must have been sourced from something other than the original print as it appears a bit blurry. But still this is a nice transfer.

The Film Detective has added some nice bonus features to this release as well. Take a look at what is included on this set.

* Audio Commentary by author Jennifer Churchill 
In this commentary she hares lots of information about Jerry Gross and exploitation films.

* It's all in the title: exploring Jerry Gross
A fun little video feature by Ballyhoo films 

* A booklet insert featuring an essay "Girl on a Chain Gang: Race Rednecks and Civil Rights" an essay written by Lisa Pertucci from Something Weird Video

* Certificate of Jury Service 

Watch The Trailer Below:

Exploitation films are not for everyone. It is a niche audience that enjoys these type of films. But I must say that Girl on A Chain Gang is extremely tame in comparison to later Jerry Gross films. There is not real real violence, no nudity or profanity.

If you are a fan of Jerry Gross films or 60s exploitation Girl on a Chain Gang on Blu-ray is a must own for your Blu-ray collection. Head over to Amazon and pick up your copy today. 

Out of 4 film reels (4 being the best) The Film Detective Blu-ray release of Girl on a Chain Gang receives...

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