Chariot of the Gods

Reviewed By Jason Lockard

In 1968 German author Erich von Däniken wrote a book hypothesizing the idea of Ancient Astronauts. The whole idea of the book is that extra-terrestrial being traveled to Earth and thus influenced ancient technology.

Than just a short two years later a German produced documentary of the same name was released. Than one year later in 1971 released in the United States. Now the fine folks at VCI Entertainment and MVD Visual join forces to bring us this classic documentary on Blu-ray.

The film takes the viewer on an adventure all around the globe to see amazing site that most would never see except for on film. But more than just the amazing sites, there is the connection of all these place that they may have all been visited by aliens many centuries before.

Now I am not here to dissect whether this film is based on truth or if this is simply hypothesis. That is up to the viewer to make their own mind to that. But I will say this is a unique and very interesting documentary. It is filled with beautiful cinematography of some of the most gorgeous and historic places in the world.

Erich von Däniken's novel and no doubt this documentary inspired many of our favorite sci-fi films and TV series. Just some of them include, Stargate the movie and TV series, The Thing, The X-Files, the Alien franchise, Prometheus, and the Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

This Blu-ray transfers this classic documentary in 1080p in widescreen format and a 1.66:1 aspect ratio and an English 2.0 audio. There is also English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing. I must say this transfer looks stunning! There is no signs of damage to this print. The picture is sharp and the audio is clear.

Now a beautiful copy of this documentary would be enough for most people to add this to their collection. But added as a special bonus is the 1977 documentary Mystery of the Gods a film all
about the influence of "ancient astronauts" in mankind's history.

What a great Blu-ray release! VCI and MVD went above and beyond bringing us two documentaries for the price of one. I am so glad to be able to display this in the Classic Cinema Plus Library.

If you would like to have a copy of this Blu-ray in your collection as well. You can head over to and get your copy today.

Out of 4 Film Reels (4 Being the Best) VCI Entertainment's Blu-ray of Chariot of the Gods receives...

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