

Dinosaurs! (1960) {Cheezy Movies Review}

Reviewed By Jason Lockard

Ever since I first saw stop motion with the  Rankin/Bass Holiday classics and films by the master Ray Harryhausen, it has been my favorite type of special effects. While film fans in this generation may consider it antiquated, but to me it is retro and ultra cool!

Cheezy Flix have released a stop motion 60s cult classic on DVD-R. That cult classic is 1960s Dinosaurs! Let's take a look at this film and why you may just want to add it to your collection.

The film follows an American Construction crew lead by Bart Thompson as they work on a small Caribbean island. As they set off blasts they uncover something they didn't expect, two dinosaurs that had been frozen and perfectly preserved. What is the best thing to do? Bring them onshore.

When a storm rages at night the dinosaurs are struck by lightening and shocking them back  to life. In a related event the evil island manager finds a Neanderthal man who is also reanimated. Now the island is under prehistoric rule. Will the humans survive? You will have to see the film to find out!

This film was directed by Irvin Yeaworth Jr. While that name may not be known by majority of film fans, classic sci-fi fans have no doubt seen his films. He directed two classics 1958s The Blob and 1959s The 4D Man. 

While some people watch these old films to laugh at the cheesy acting and special effects, personally I find this films so good! The actors don't overact, they are totally believable. And as I said in the beginning of this review, I love stop motion so to me this was a tremendous 60s sci-fi film. 

The picture and audio quality of this release from Cheezy Movies is really nice. The colors of this transfer are vibrant and there is no real signs of damage to the picture. As for the audio it is clear with no signs of hiss or pops. I am really impressed with the quality of this release.

To have this sci-fi cult classic on DVD for such a minimal price is a dream come true. The only downside in this release is there is no audio commentary or bonus features. But for the price how can you go wrong! 

If you love stop motion animation as much as I do! I highly recommend getting a copy of "Dinosaurs!" on DVD from Cheezy Movies. Head over to their and order your copy today!

Out of 4 Film Reels (4 Being the Best) Cheezy Movies DVD of "Dinosaurs!" it receives...

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