Reviewed By Jason Lockard
Ever since I can remember I have been a sucker for films based on a true story. I don't know if it is because of my dad's love for history that he passed on to me or what. But I love these kind of films. Than if the film has a star studded cast even better.
Well, in 1957 Rock Hudson lent his acting abilities to tell the story of Col. Dean Hess who was known as the “Father of the Korean War Orphans". Now Kino Lorber Studio Classics is giving this heartwarming drama a Blu-ray release it so richly deserves.
The film follows a WWII fighter pilot, Colonel Dean Hess (Hudson) who accidentally bombs a German orphanage, killing thirty-seven children. Soon after he enters the ministry to atone for the tragedy. Col. Hess rejoins the Air Force to train pilots in South Korea. But in his spare time he builds a shelter for orphans. But now, to protect these children in a territory fraught with danger, he must fight... and face the past once again.

Rock Hudson is tremendous as Col. Hess and man struggling to balance his faith and being a solder having to make tough life and death decisions. Rock is join by a great cast including Martha Hyer (House of 1,000 Dolls), Dan Duryea (Thunder Bay), Don DeFore (TV Show Hazel), Jock Mahoney (The Land Unknown) and Alan Hale Jr. (Gilligan's Island).
While with all films based on a true story there is many inaccuracies. But I think the true essence of the account is told here in a very dramatic, action packed and heart warming way. Director Douglas Sirk did a great job building the story of tension and redemption. I really enjoyed this film. I am glad Kino Lorber decided to give this film a Blu-ray release.

Kino Lorber has transferred in 1080p and is in 2.35:1 aspect ratio and the audio is DTS-HD master audio 2.0. The picture is crisp and the colors are vibrant. Than as for the audio it is clear as a bell. This is such a mice looking transfer. Kudos to Kino Lorber for giving this Rock Hudson film a beautiful Blu-ray release.
But a great looking transfer is not were the goodies stop! Not with Kino Lorber...oh no! They also put on this disc a brand new audio commentary by Film Critic Nick Pinkerton filled with great information about this film and the theatrical trailer, which surprisingly avoids the spiritual aspect of this film.
Battle Hymn is a great vehicle for Rock Hudson. He really got to show off a softer side of his acting abilities. All in all the film is a thought provoking, adventure drama that just may make you think about what we are doing for those less fortunate.
So if you are a fan of Rock Hudson, war movies, or faith based dramas I highly recommend this stunning looking KL Studio Classics Blu-ray. If you would like to own Battle Hymn on Blu-ray you can head over to and order your copy today.
Out of 4 Film Reels (4 Being the Best) KL Studio Classic's Blu-ray of Battle Hymn receives...