The Five People You Meet In Heaven was a novel by Mitch Albom. It was published in 2003 and remained on the New York Times Best Seller list for 95 weeks.The beautiful story would just one year later be made into a TV Mini-series. Now the good folks at Mill Creek Entertainment are releasing this mini-series on DVD.
The story follows a lonely 83-year-old war vet named Eddie who works as a maintenance man in an amusement park. When Eddie sacrifices himself to save a young girl in harm's way from a falling ride, he enters the afterlife and meets five people who explain the meaning of his life. I don't want top say any more about it for it can ruin the story which needs to be experienced to truly enjoy.
This was adapted perfectly being so true to the book. Why is that? Because Mitch Albom himself wrote the teleplay. The film is engaging, thought provoking and inspiring. Jon Voight brings such a realism and sympathy to the role of Eddie. Also Ellen Burnstyn, Jeff Daniels and Michael Imperioli give amazing performances in the mini-series.

If this screen play was written back in classic Hollywood would have made a perfect vehicle for director Frank Capra. It has a feel of "It's a wonderful life". And let me tell you that is some high praise.
The 2 parts of this mini-series is on one DVD. The films are presented in full screen format and Dolby digital 5.1 audio. There is also a bonus of subtitles for the hearing impaired, which is a nice little bonus. The film transfers look and sound gorgeous.

As for the packaging, the DVD case is a sturdy hard shell plastic case. There is a slipcover (seen at the top of of the page) which has a kaleidoscope of colors. Than different artwork from the actual DVD artwork (seen just above). I have to say I love the collector's slipcovers. And Mill Creek has done a remarkable job with this slipcover.
So if you love a good emotional drama as much as I do, I highly recommend this one for your collection. Head over to www.MillCreekEnt.com and get your copy today!
*Note this DVD will be released on: 02/19/19
Moral Rating: Mild violence and profanity
Audience: Not suitable for small children
Genre: Drama
Length: 2 Hours 40 Minutes
DVD Released: 2019
*Please note rating above is my own personal opinion!