Ancient Egypt is just fascinating . The lives of the Pharaohs. The awesome pyramids, monuments and statues are just plain amazing. Icons of history like King Tut and yes Cleopatra are forever etched in our memories.
In 1999 a TV mini-series adaptation of Margaret George's 1997 historical fiction novel The Memoirs of Cleopatra was produced and shown on ABC TV. Now thanks to Mill Creek Entertainment we can add this mini-series event to our DVD collections.
The story follows Cleopatra, the fabled Egyptian queen, as she becomes an object of obsession for Roman ruler Julius Caesar. But when Cleopatra and Caesar have a son, all of Rome is greatly troubled by the union -- especially Caesar's wife, who has already given him a daughter. To protect her son and avoid being humiliated by Roman legislators who want to do both of them harm, Cleopatra takes matters into her own hands.

In 1963 Elizabeth Taylor donned the crown of the legendary Egyptian queen. Her beauty and poise made viewers believe that she was Cleopatra. Leonor Varela had that same kind of beauty and poise. The cast of this mini-series also included Billy Zane and Timothy Dalton. The actors do a very good job.
As for the story it is a well adapted story. It moves along at a nice pacing. And as for the sets.. just WOW! They were constructed at over 360,000 square feet and which took 6 months to build and cost over $2.5M. They are absolutely stunning. These sets would have made Cecil B. Demille proud.
The 2 parts of this mini-series is on one DVD. The films are presented in full screen format and Dolby digital audio. The film transfers look and sound extraordinary.
In addition to the DVD you also get a digital copy as well through the Mil Creek Entertainment digital service. To enjoy them anywhere you simply sign up for a free account at watch.millcreekent.com and redeeming the code you can login on your computer, smart phone or your Roku devices and watch this mini-series anywhere anytime.
As for the packaging, the DVD case is a sturdy hard shell plastic case. There is a slipcover (seen at the top of of the page) with Cleopatra in the golden spotlight. Than a slightly different artwork from the actual DVD artwork. I have to say I am loving these collector's slipcovers.
So if you love ancient Egypt as much as I do, this one for your collection. Head over to www.MillCreekEnt.com and get your copy today!
Moral Rating: violence and mild sexual situations
Audience: Not suitable for small children
Genre: Drama
Length: Almost 3 Hours
DVD Released: 2019
*Please note rating above is my own personal opinion!