Many of us remember going to the video stores and renting the old VHS tapes for a weekend of magical fun at the movies in our very own living rooms! Well, Mill Creek Entertainment has been releasing some retro VHS style Blu-rays. We are taking a look at some of these awesome releases here!
Arnold Schwarzenegger was the quintessential action star in the 80s and 90s. Whether it was Conan, Terminator, Predator, Commando, Total Recall, The Running man or other amazing action films. One thing was for sure there were action stars few that could hang with Arnold back in the day.
In 1993 Arnold would star as an action movie star. Spoofing his persona in Last Action Hero. The film follows a young movie fan named Danny Madigan who is a huge fan of larger-than-life action hero Jack Slater (Schwarzenegger). When his projectionist friend Nick, gives him a magic ticket to the new Jack Slater film. Danny finds himself transported into Slater’s world. Now Danny and Jack must work together not only in Jack’s world but in Danny’s to save both worlds from a wicked hitman bend on control all of the universe! Will Danny and Jack come through and save the worlds? You’ll have to watch the film to find out!

The film is not supposed to be Citizen Kane or the great American Western. It was just supposed to be a fun popcorn movie, and that it is. Austin O'Brien is really good in his first starring role as Danny Madigan and Arnold is a lot of fun kind of spoofing his action persona! The action is over the top awesome and the story is fast paced and you don't get bored with it! Also look for a lot of cool cameo appearances from Hollywood heavyweights.
On this blu-ray the film is presented in 2.40:1 widescreen format and Dolby Digital 5.1 audio. The film looks and sounds stunning on this release. There is no bonus features, but for anyone who remembers going to the video store and renting VHS tapes you remember getting the movie! This is what makes this like going to the video store, just with a much more stunning picture quality!

Now having this awesome popcorn film in stunning HD is great, but what makes this blu-ray even more of a must add to any Schwarzenegger fan is the amazing cool retro slip cover. The slip looks just like an old VHS tape cover with the VHS tape halfway out! Than the effect on the slip of the stickers 'Action/Adventure'. This brings back so much awesome memories! This is nostalgia personified!
I can not tell you how much I love seeing this release on my shelf. Seeing the spin of the blu-ray and it looks just like a VHS tape with the white label with the black lettering Last Action Hero on it! Pure awesomeness!
So if you love the films of Arnold Schwarzenegger as much as I do and you want to see him kind of spoofing his action hero image a little this is a must have. This Retro VHS version blu-ray can be purchased now at Walmart and will be available for purchase everywhere Mid-January 2019. So make plans to add this on to you Schwarzenegger Collection! Head over to www.Millcreekent.com today.
Moral Rating: Mild violence and profanity
Audience: Parental Guidance
Genre: action
Length: 2 hours 10 minutes
Blu-ray Released: 2018
Blu-ray Rating: A
*Please note film rating above are my own personal opinion.