Wes Craven is known for bringing nightmares to life! Whether its Nightmare on Elm street, The Hills have eyes or many of the other nightmarish films. But it all started in 1972 with his first film 'The last house on the left'. The film is considered one of the most controversial films of all time, but now it's home on a Blu-ray set from Arrow Video.
This film follows Mari (on the eve of her 17th birthday) and friend Phyllis take off to the big city to attend a shock-rock concert. Before heading there they attempt to score some marijuana. But instead of getting the weed they get more than they wanted from a sadistic group of killers lead by psychopath named Krug. Krug and Company gag, torture, rape and murder the duo. But it doesn't end there! The sadistic group's car breaks down and they end up at the home of Mari and the mom and dad find out what they did! That's when things turn for Krug and Company
This film is based on a true event. I know what Wes Craven was going for here! He was looking for a film that would make a statement and start a conversation about violence and hatred. And the question we have to ask ourselves after watching this film is how far would you go for revenge!
This was my first time watching this film and I have to be honest, the violence and sexual content in this film was hard to sit through! It was uncomfortable and disturbing! I can understand why it was banned in many countries and edited!
The audio and video on this Blu-ray is pretty good considering it was a low budget film from the early 70's. It is by no means perfect they are many imperfections in the picture. But it is probably the best quality copy your going to find. Let's take a look at what is included in this 2 discs.
• High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation of the Uncut Version
• Brand new audio commentary by podcasters Bill Ackerman and Amanda Reyes
• Archival audio commentary with writer/director Wes Craven and producer Sean S. Cunningham
• Archival audio commentary with stars David Hess, Marc Sheffler and Fred Lincoln
• Junior’s Story – a brand new interview with actor Marc Sheffler
• Marc Sheffler in Conversation at the American Cinematheque
• Brand new interview with wardrobe and make-up artist Anne Paul
• Songs in the Key of Krug – never-before-seen archive interview with David Hess
• Celluloid Crime of the Century – archival documentary featuring interviews with Wes Craven, Sean S. Cunningham, actors David Hess, Fred Lincoln, Jeramie Rain, Marc Sheffler and Martin Kove
• Still Standing: The Legacy of The Last House on The Left – archival interview with Wes Craven
• Scoring Last House on the Left – archival interview with actor/composer David Hess
• It’s Only a Movie: The Making of The Last House on the Left – archival documentary
• Forbidden Footage – the cast and crew of Last House on the film’s most controversial sequences
• Deleted Scene
• Outtakes and Dailies
• Trailers, TV Spot & Radio Spots
• Image Gallery
• High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation of the Krug and Company and R-rated cuts of the film
• The Craven Touch – brand new featurette bringing together interviews with a number of Wes Craven’s collaborators, including Sean S. Cunningham, composer Charles Bernstein, producer Peter Locke, cinematographer Mark Irwin and actress Amanda Wyss
• Early Days and “Night of Vengeance” – filmmaker Roy Frumkes remembers Wes Craven and Last House on the Left
• Tales That’ll Tear Your Heart Out – excerpts from an unfinished Wes Craven short
This film is for a very, very mature audience only! Most people will not be able to handle the content of this film. It is just too rough! It's not the violence it's the other content!
While I had a hard time watching this film! I know it has it's fans! There are people that love it! And if you are a fan of it, this is going to be a must own for you! It is loaded with bonus features. So if you love Wes Craven films you may want to add this one to your collection and this Blu-ray release is a great one to add! Head over to www.Amazon.com and pre-order this release!
Moral Rating: Extreme sexual content, nudity, violence and adult language!
Audience: Adults only
Length: 84 Minutes
Blu-ray Release#: 2018
Film Rating: D
Blu-ray Rating: A-