The bible is considered by many the greatest story ever told, but it can be at times hard for readers to grasp the depth of the entire story. Now Kingstone Comics has released The Kingstone Bible the most complete graphic novel adaption of the bible ever published.
The Kingstone Bible took seven years and more than 45 of the best illustrators in the comic book industry to bring this three volume set to fruition. Trying to understand the bible can be a hard task. But when you see the stories played out in front of your in comic book form it makes it much easier.
If you have always wanted to read the bible but were afraid to get bogged down by names you can’t pronounce and stories to hard to understand, now there is no need to fear, the Kingstone bible is here!
The Kingstone bible is broken up into 12 volumes and would make a great addition for anyone’s personal library. The hardcover edition comes in at 12 pounds and at under $75 is a great deal.
So if you would like to give the gift of the bible to someone special in your life. Give the gift of The Kingstone Bible. Head over to Amazon.com and search out all the amazing volumes from Kingstone Comics. You won’t regret it!
Moral Rating: Violence and adult situations
Audience: Teens and adults
Genre: Historical, Adventure
Release: 2016
Our Rating: A+