In the 60s movie goes like today liked to be scared! It’s harder to be scared today with us being desensitized by all the violence in the world, but we still loved scary movies. Well, Legend Films 3 Disk DVD release The Cult Horror Collection. We all can relive three horror films from the days of yesteryear. Let’s take a brief look at these films.
Our Rating System:
****=Don’t Miss it!
***=Worth a look.
**=An Ok way to spend an evening.
*=You haven’t missed anything.
Disk 1: The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959): Dr. Georges Bonnet (Anton Diffring), a man with an obsession to live forever… all he needs are the glands of some very unwilling donors. ***
Disk 2: The Skull (1965): Dr. Christopher Maitland (Peter Cushing) purchases the infamous skull of the Marquis de Sade, a decision that he was warned against by his good friend – and previous skull owner – Matthew Phillips (Christopher Lee). ***
Disk 3: The Deadly Bees (1966) Trouble strikes when an exhausted pop singer, sent on a vacation to a farm, realizes that the farm’s owner grows deadly bees. **
This is one great box set! The only bonus feature in this collection is a trailer for The Skull! That’s a little disappointing, but to me three old horror films makes this collection a must have! So if your a fan of 60’s horror cinema as much as I am, this is a great one for you! So by all means head over to www.LegendFilms.net or your local DVD provider and get a copy for yourself. You won’t be disappointed!
Moral Rating: Violence
Audience: Parental Guidance
Genre: Horror
Length: Over 4 hours
DVD Released: 2008
Our DVD Rating: A-