

Suddenly (1954)

Reviewed By Jason S. Lockard

I received Film Detective’s Blu-Ray release of Suddenly in the mail. This film holds a very special place in my heart; as it was my dad who first showed this film to me. We both love this film and owned several copies, but all were less than spectacular. When I received the restored version my first thought was; I wish my dad was here so he could enjoy this as well! Let’s take a brief look at the film.

Suddenly is a sleepy little town in California. Nothing happens there, that is until now. The President on his re-election tour is about to come through on the train. The FBI swoops into town to secure the location. A car pulls up to the home of a family whose house overlooks the station at the very point where the President’s train will stop. A trio of men lead by John Baron (Frank Sinatra) announce themselves as FBI security men and proceed to enter the house. We soon realize that Baron is not FBI but a hired assassin. The tension mounts as the hours pass waiting for the president’s arrival. Will Baron and his men make good on their plan or will someone stop them before it’s too late? You’ll have to watch the film to find out.

Suddenly is 76 minutes of thrilling tension and I am glad this film finally got the restoration that it truly deserves. The audio and video is probably one of the best you will find, which is more enough for me, but most people look for the bonus features, well sadly there is no bonus features on this release.

So if you love thrillers as much as I do! If you love Frank Sinatra as much as I do? Head over to and treat yourself to this thrilling classic now in HD!

Moral Rating: Violence
Audience: Teen and adults
Genre: Thriller
Length: 76 minutes
Blu-Ray Release: 2016
Our Rating: A+

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