

Helen of Troy (1956) Blu-ray Review

There probably isn't a single person that has not heard the account of the Trojan Horse. It's been told throughout the generations. But in 1956 the great director Robert Wise (Star Trek the Motion Picture, The Andromeda Strain, Audrey Rose) tackled the epic tale of The Trojan War and love between Helen of Troy and Prince Paris.

Warner Archive has been making it their goal to preserve classic films by restoring them in 4K so that film fans for generations to come can enjoy these films. Now Robert Wise's Helen of Troy is getting the Blu-ray treatment. Complete with the 4K restoration and cool bonus features.

1100 BCE. King Priam (Sir Cedric Hardwicke) of Troy, sends his son, Paris (Jack Sernas), to Sparta to negotiate a treaty to ensure peace between the two Greek city-states. But Paris falls in love with Spartan King Menelaus’ (Niall MacGinnis) wife, Helen (Rossana Podesta). Paris kidnaps the willing Helen and her servant (Brigitte Bardot), starting a war that will kill thousands of brave warriors and spell the end of the city of Troy. 

Now a lot of historical films get bogged down by a lot of dialogue and not enough action. I am pleased to say Robert Wise stayed away from that formula. Helen of Troy move at a great pace. Moving between dialogue and action than romance and action. The film is extremely well cast. And the cinematography really takes you right on the front lines of the action.

Warner Archive have restored Helen of Troy in 4K from the original camera negative. The film is presented in 1080p in its
 original Cinemascope 2.55:1 aspect ratio. The audio is a DTS-HD 5.1 Master Audio. There is also the option for English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing.

It seems like every time I see the latest Warner Archive Collection release, I'm even more amazed than the last time. The new restoration of Helen of Troy is simply gorgeous. The colors pop right off the screen. The flesh tones are perfect, and the picture is crisp and clean with no signs of damage to this print. But a gorgeous restoration is not all that is included on this Blu-ray take a look at the bonus features.

* 3 Behind the scenes featurettes: The Look of Troy, Interviewing Helen and The Sounds of Homeric Troy

* Napoleon Bunny-Part (1956): 
Bugs Bunny tunnels into the headquarters of Napoleon Bonaparte and makes Napoleon's life a misery!  (HD)

* Original Theatrical Trailer

Now while historical epics may not be everyone's cup of tea, those that do love these kinds of films are going to absolutely fall in love with how amazing this film looks now! And for me the inclusion of the trailer, featurettes and a classic Bugs Bunny cartoon. It's hard to imagine this release being any better.

So, if you love historical epics as much as I do, the new Helen of Troy Blu-ray release from Warner Archive is an absolute must own. Head over to MovieZyng and order your copy today! You won't be disappointed this this restoration!

Out of 4 Film Reels (4 Being the best) Warner Archive's Blu-ray of Helen of Troy receives...

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