The Monster (1925) {Reel Vault DVD Review}

Lon Chaney is a silent movie icon. His amazing make-up work made his a legend. He was able with make-up to change his face into some of the most terrifying characters. Just some of those films are London After Midnight, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and The Phantom of the Opera.

Well in 1925 Lon Chaney took his amazing talents into the starring role of Roland West's production of The Monster. Now just in time for Halloween 2022, Reel Vault is releasing this silent classic on DVD.

When a wrecked car results in a missing person, a clerk who fancies himself a detective starts investigates. When he finds a clue at the scene it leads him and his sidekicks to a remote mental sanitarium where he meets Dr. Ziska (Lon Chaney). Now on the outside everything seems right, but once inside things are not all as they seem!

The Monster has all the things that make the old horror films work. rainstorms, dark shadows, eerie hands coming out of nowhere. One of the best parts of the film is circus stunts. Now The Monster runs almost 90 minutes. It can feel a bit slow at times. But it is still a pretty fun little classic.

Along with the great Lon Chaney there are other very good notable silent stars including; Gertrude Olmsted, Hallam Cooley, Johnny Arthur, Charles Sellon, Walter James, Knute Erickson, Frank Austin, Edward McWade, Ethel Wales.

Reel Vault has transferred The Monster to DVD in the original full screen format. The audio is a piano soundtrack by Keith Taylor. Now musical piece sounds vaguely familiar. Could this musical piece be the same one used in Reel Vaults Nosferatu's Blu-ray

Now I have to say this new transfer is pretty impressive for a near 100 year old film. There is almost no signs of scratches, flecks, or other imperfections. But all is not perfect there are some stability problems with the brightness, which pulses throughout the film.

I think silent era film fans will get a real kick out of this film. But if you are not a fans of that silent era of cinema this is going to be not the one for you.

If you are a fan of silent cinema and Lon Chaney your collection is not complete without this release from Reel Vault. Head over to Deep Discount and pick up a copy of this DVD. 

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Out of 4 film reels (4 being the best) The Reel Vaults DVD release of The Monster receives...

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