

Hero Devotionals Volume 1 & 2

Reviewed By Jason Lockard

Kingstone Comics is the leading Christian comic book company in the world. I have had the extreme pleasure to review their amazing books for several years now and each time I find myself more impressed than the last time. The latest books I am review is Volume 1 and 2 of The Hero Devotionals.

Ben Avery has been working with Kingstone comics for quite a while now. Ben is a children’s pastor and comics writer that has worked for Marvel comics, Image comics and Zondervan. Ben Avery as a children's pastor helps kids understand the importance of the bible in their lives. Now he uses his talent of lessons to a devotional set, that kids all over the world can learn from Ben.

There are so many amazing men and women in the bible and they are great examples as to how to live and what not to do with our lives. These are flawed people, but these flawed people used their talents for the greater good. Just like all our favorite superheroes do. Let's take a look at the heroes included in these two sets.

Volume One:
* Jesus: Growing Up - Growth
* Noah: The Big Boat - Diligence
* Jonah: The Stinkeiest Time Out Ever- Teachability
* Elijah: Earth, Wind, Fire and Whispers - Attentiveness
* Esther: The Girl Who didn't Want to be Queen - Availability
* Shadrach, Meshach & Abendego Part 1: The Vegetable Test - Friendship 
Shadrach, Meshach & Abendego Part 2: The Idol - Faithfulness
Shadrach, Meshach & Abendego Part 3: The Furnace - Courage
* Mary and Joseph: The Baby and the Barn - Contentment
* Anna The Prophetess: The Long Wait - Perseverance
* Jesus: The Big Battle - Wisdom
* The Four Friends: Through the Roof - Compassion
* Simon Peter: The Big Catch - Obedience

Volume Two:
* The Wisemen: Following the Star - Seeking
* Jesus: Young Jesus and the Temple - Honor
* Miriam: My Brother is a basket case - Initiative
* Moses: Written in Stone: Godliness
* Joshua: God wants us to do what? - Faith
* Samson: Worst Haircut Ever - Discernment
* David: Little Warrior, Big Battle - Determination
* Jonathan: Friends or Enemies - Loyalty
* John the Baptist: The Man in the Wilderness - Boldness

* Daniel: The King in the cow field - Reverence
* Daniel: God's Graffiti - Humility
* Daniel: A night with the Lions - Dedication
* Jesus The Last Sacrifice - Forgiven

In this day and age we are all looking for heroes. That's why many time we look to the comics, movies or TV, when in actuality they can be found in the Bible. These men and women are great examples of how to live good clean lives.

Over my life I have read many devotionals and I have to say these 2 volumes of Hero devotionals are highly enjoyable. They are the perfect mix of devotional and comic. These comics are created for kids, but I got a lot of help from them and I haven't been a kid in a few years.

Ben Avery's writing is top notch and the art work by Danny Bulanadi, Mario Ruiz, Sergio Cariello, Noval Hernawan and Javier Saltares is literally amazing. The art leaps off the page and puts you right in the middle of the adventures.

In these Hero Devotionals not only do you get amazing studies that will help you understand greater these characters in the bible. As a special bonus at the end of these 2 volumes, there are Bible Verse Memory cards that can be cut out and used.  

I highly recommend these for young and old alike. If you would like to add these awesome devotionals to your collection you can head over to Amazon and pick up a copy of Heroes Devotionals Vol. 1 and Heroes Devotionals Vol. 2.

Out of 4 Comic Books (4 being the best) Kingstone Comics Hero Devotionals Volume 1 & 2 receives...

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