Sci-fi is probably my favorite genre of film and TV. Ever since I saw my first out if this world film I was hooked.
I remember watching a friend's DVD copies of V the mini-series thinking these are made for TV series? These were so far ahead of their time, it was crazy.
Now the DVDs were okay, but the quality wasn't overly spectacular. So when Warner Archive announced they were doing a new restored Blu-ray of the original mini-series. You know I had to check it out. I did a full review if that release here.
But V the visitors didnt end with just one mini-series oh no. There was an epic three night "Final Battle". And now thanks to Warner Archive the V mini-series are complete on Blu-ray.
The saga that began with the "Visitors" now culminates in a struggle to save the world in V: The Final Battle. I think it is pretty self explanatory and I don't want to spoil any of the awesome storylines for those who haven't seen these. So we will leave it there.
Marc Singer, Robert Englund and Michael Ironside are back for the final battle and what a battle it is. The story continues and is an amazing fun tale that takes us on a satisfying conclusion. Kenneth Johnson really knows how to create an engaging story.
This 2 disc Blu-ray set includes all three nights of adventures. They are presented in full screen format in 1.33:1 aspect ratio and in DTS-HD Master audio 2.0. The picture and sound of these episodes look absolutely stunning.
The picture is crisp and clear. The color palette is amazing. The reds look deep bloody red and the greens look slimy ooze green. The explosions, action, lazer fire and the 'visitors' look better on Blu-ray than they ever did on DVD.
Now for Blu-ray bonus features, they included; English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing. Also the TV teaser spots "next on 'V' The Final Battle. That is a very cool feature.
I can not express enough how impressed I am with the quality of this release. I am proud to have this on my shelf. The mini-series would not truly be complete without The Final Battle.
I am so thankful Warner Archive are fans like us. They desire to preserve films and TV that would not receive a Blu-ray home video release. Warner Archive really deserves major props for this service. I can not recommend these enough.
So if you have added the original mini-series to your Blu-ray Collection you are definitely going to want to complete the story with V The Final Battle. Order a copy of V the Final Battle on Blu-ray at wbshop.com or Amazon.com.
Offensive Material: Violence
Audience: Teens and Adults
Genre: Sci-fi, Drama
Length: Almost 5 Hours
Blu-ray Value Rating: A