Paul Muni in the 1930s, he was considered one of the most reputable actors on the Warner Bros. roster. So respected he was given the privilege to choose the roles he wanted. He is known for his lead role in 1932's Scarface and won an Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in the 1936 film The Story of Louis Pasteur.
Now the good folks at VCI Entertainment are giving us classic film fans a chance to see Paul Muni at his strong best with their release of Angel on my Shoulder on DVD.
When a gangster, Eddie Kagle (Paul Muni), is murdered by his childhood friend and business partner, Smiley Williams, he's sent to hell. There he meets Nick (Claude Rains), who tries to get him to return to the living to take over the body of Judge Frederick Parker (Muni). Kagle agrees, enticed by the prospect of seeking revenge on Smiley. But Kagel's attempts to tarnish Parker's reputation backfire, and when he finally confronts Smiley, his frustration has peaked.
While this film may not be Muni's strongest roles. This is still a great little film to be introduced to Paul Muni. Plus Claude Rains is amazing in anything he does. And his role as Nick is one not to be missed.
Now as for the film transfer it is presented in its original full-screen format in 1.33:1 aspect ratio and is in Dolby Digital 2.0 audio. The film looks and sounds better than any copy I have seen on the internet. Some copies I've seen the dark scenes are almost unwatchable where this version has amazing detail.
As for bonus features; there are bios of actors, Paul Muni, Claude Rains, Anne Baxter, Archie L. Mayo and Dimitri Tiomkin as well as a short subject Lord Epping Returns starring Leon Errol.
So if your a fan of classic films you need Angel on my Shoulder in your collection and this is a great way to do it. Head over to MVDShop.com and get your copy today.
Offensive Material: Mild violence
Audience: Teens and Adults
Genre: fantasy, drama, comedy, adventure
Length: 100 Minutes
DVD Rating: A