Marlon Brando when people here that name, some think of the eccentric man he became later in life. Some may remember his work in Apocalypse Now or The Godfather. Classic film fans may think of The Wild One, A Streetcar Named Desire or On the Waterfront. But one thing is for sure we all know the name.
In 1963 Brando took the lead in a political drama entitled The Ugly American, based on a 1958 based selling novel by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer. Now the good folks at Mill Creek Entertainment are giving this Brando film a chance to shine on Blu-ray.
The films follows American ambassador Harrison MacWhite (Brando) as he travels to a Southeast Asian country to keep the Communists from overrunning the weakened democracy in the south by making sure a vital road into the country's inaccessible interior goes through. But, from the time of his arrival, 'The Ugly American' is met with suspicion and hate even by an influential freedom fighter suspected of being a Communist agent.
The film has is a political tour de force! Joining Marlon Brando in this film is a good cast of actors including; Eiji Okada (Woman in the Dunes), Sandra Church (The Mugger), Pat Hingle (Batman) and Arthur Hill (The Andromeda Strain). The scene between MacWhite and friend Deong arguing about America's involvement in the country during the cold war was something to witness.

As for the Blu-ray release the film is presented in widescreen format and in 1.85:1 aspect ratio. As for the audio is a DTS-HD 2.0 track. The picture looks really good. The colors are vibrant! The blues and reds are bright and the Flesh tones stand out. As for the audio, it is clear and crisp! This Blu-ray is a true cinematic experience.
As for bonus features included on this Blu-ray release. The film is given English subtitles for the Hearing Impaired and The original theatrical trailer for the film. Very cool!
While the film recieved mix reviews, it was nominated for 2 Golden Globes. Marlon Brando for Best Actor and George Englund for Best Director. I think the story of this film is very timely for this generation. I think everyone should see this film at least once.
So if you're a fan of Brando or political dramas. I suggest this film for your collection.
Audiences: Teens and Adults
Objectionable Mild Violence and adult situations
Blu-ray Length: 2 Hours
Genre: Drama
Blu-ray Value Rating: A