Back in the 50s and 60s the threat of nuclear war was real! People were scared that at any moment the sirens would sound, bombs would fall, the end would come and the world's populations would be wiped out!
In an effort to try to calm down the public the government made many films to convince the American citizens that nuclear war is no big deal. Alpha Video is now releasing a collection of these films that would be a perfect companion piece with their other release Atomic Attack. Let's take a look at what is included in this collection of films.
Our Rating System:
****=Don’t Miss it!
***=Worth a look.
**=An Ok way to spend a few minutes.
*=You haven’t missed anything.

WARNING RED (1956): An ordinary drive home from work becomes a nightmare for Joseph Cunningham when an atomic bomb is dropped in the middle of his commute. Now he must reach home on foot while warning survivors to stock up on "beans, beef stew, and peas!" ****
TOWN OF THE TIMES (1963): Ralph Meeker and Larry Gates play opposing school board members arguing over how best to prepare "Main Street, USA" for the forthcoming nuclear annihilation.***
PUBLIC SHELTER LIVING: THE STORY OF SHELTER 104 (1964): A claustrophobic Civil Defense film, showing what the day-to-day life in a fallout shelter while nuclear war rages outside would be like.***
STAY SAFE, STAY STRONG: THE FACTS ABOUT NUCLEAR WEAPONS (1960): This film tries to dispel the "myth" that atomic weapons could be a danger during peacetime.**
TARGET YOU (1953): This film uses animation to teach families what to do in the event of nuclear war.**
THE MEDICAL ASPECTS OF NUCLEAR RADIATION (1950): This film tries to explain
away the dangers of nuclear radiation, with some excellent animation. **
These films very in length and quality of audio and video vary in the films but none of them are unwatchable. The stories and acting vary in the films as well. Some are better than others. This collection is an interesting mix of films and takes us on a trip in the time machine back to what people were feeling in the 50s and 60s.
So if you a fan of old government films or dramas this collection is a definite must own. Head over to Oldies.com and pick up your copy today.
Moral Rating: scary images
Audience: teens and adults
Genre: drama
Length: 2 hours
DVD Released: 2018
DVD Rating: B
*Please note film rating above are my own personal opinion.