Community was a sitcom that aired from 2009 to 2015 and for some reason I didn't catch when it first aired. I always meant to catch up and check it out on re-runs, but never seemed to find the time to do so! So When Mill Creek Entertainment decided to release the complete series on a 12 disc deluxe Blu-ray set I had to jump at the chance to check it out for the first time.
Community was created by Dan Harmon the man behind Rick and Morty. The series aired on NBC for the first 5 seasons and than moved to Yahoo! Screen for the final season.
Community follows a group of misfits who attend fictitious Greendale Community College. There is Jeff Winger, a fast-talking lawyer was being suspended from his law firm for falsely claiming to have a bachelor's degree. Britta Perry, a self-defined anarchist, atheist, and activist. Abed Nadir, a film student. Troy Barnes, a former high school star quarterback who lost his scholarship to a top-tier university. Shirley Bennett, a single mother and vocal Christian. Annie Edison, a compulsive overachiever, relentlessly organized and comparatively innocent. Pierce Hawthorne, a millionaire who enrolls at Greendale out of boredom. Than there is Ben Chang, the unstable Spanish teacher.
These people could not could not be more polar opposites. The antics are crazy and completely off the wall at times. The stories of the episodes range from the real life to the plain out absurd. As the series rolls along the group go from just classmates to more like friends. I found the writers way of telling stories to be unique and a lot of fun. There was a huge amount of pop culture references. And the cast is a stellar collection of actors including, Joel McHale, Danny Pudi, Yvette Nicole Brown, Ken Jeong, Donald Glover long before he would play a young Lando Calrissian, and the comedy icon Chevy Chase. It is good to note that there is a lot of adult humor in this series so this is by no means for the kids.
Blu-ray Disc 1 & 2 Include:The Complete First Season: Pilot / Spanish 101 / Introduction to Film / Social Psychology / Advanced Criminal Law / Football, Feminism and You / Introduction to Statistics / Home Economics / Debate 109 / Environmental Science / The Politics of Human Sexuality / Comparative Religion / Investigative Journalism / Interpretive Dance / Romantic Expressionism / Communication Studies / Physical Education / Basic Genealogy / Beginner Pottery / The Science of Illusion / Contemporary American Poultry / The Art of Discourse / Modern Warfare / English as a Second Language / Pascal's Triangle Revisited

Blu-ray Disc 3 & 4 Include:The Complete Second Season: Anthropology 101 / Accounting for Lawyers / The Psychology of Letting Go / Basic Rocket Science / Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples / Epidemiology / Aerodynamics of Gender / Cooperative Calligraphy / Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design / Mixology Certification / Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas / Asian Population Studies / Celebrity Pharmacology / Advanced Dungeons & Dragons / Early 21st Century Romanticism / Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking / Intro to Political Science / Custody Law and Eastern European Diplomacy / Critical Film Studies / Competitive Wine Tasting / Paradigms of Human Memory / Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts / A Fistful of Paintballs / For a Few Paintballs More
Blu-ray Disc 5 & 6 Include:
The Complete Third Season: Biology 101 / Geography of Global Conflict / Remedial Chaos Theory / Competitive Ecology / Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps / Advanced Gay / Studies in Modern Movement / Documentary Filmmaking: Redux / Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism / Regional Holiday Music / Contemporary Impressionists / Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts / Digital Exploration of Interior Design / Pillows and Blankets / Origins of Vampire Mythology / Virtual Systems Analysis / Basic Lupine Urology / Course Listing Unavailable / Curriculum Unavailable / Digital Estate Planning / The First Chang Dynasty / Introduction to Finality
Blu-ray Disc 7 & 8 Include:
The Complete Fourth Season: History 101 / Paranormal Parentage / Conventions of Space and Time / Alternative History of the German Invasion / Cooperative Escapism in Familial Relations / Advanced Documentary Filmmaking / Economics of Marine Biology / Herstory of Dance / Intro to Felt Surrogacy / Intro to Knots / Basic Human Anatomy / Heroic Origins / Advanced Introduction to Finality
Blu-ray Disc 9 & 10 Include:
The Complete Fifth Season: Repilot / Introduction to Teaching / Basic Intergluteal Numismatics / Cooperative Polygraphy / Geothermal Escapism / Analysis of Cork-Based Networking / Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality / App Development and Condiments / VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing / Advanced Advanced Dungeons & Dragons / G.I. Jeff / Basic Story / Basic Sandwich
Blu-ray Disc 11 & 12 Include:
The Complete Sixth Season: Ladders / Lawnmower Maintenance and Postnatal Care / Basic Crisis Room Decorum / Queer Studies and Advanced Waxing / Laws of Robotics and Party Rights / Basic Email Security / Advanced Safety Features / Intro to Recycled Cinema / Grifting 101 / Basic RV Repair and Palmistry / Modern Espionage / Wedding Videography / Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television
The series is presented in 1.78:1 widescreen format. The audio is DTS-HD 5.1 Surround sound. There is also English subtitles for the hearing impaired. You might think that the picture would suffer from squeezing so many episodes on a Blu-ray disc, plus bonus features, but in my humble opinion the episodes look and sound amazingly clear.

Now 110 episodes on Blu-ray would be enough to consider this a good buy for me, but Mill Creek Entertainment went above and beyond in this collection. They loaded this Blu-ray set with all kinds of bonus features. There is audio commentaries for almost every episode. There is outtakes, deleted and alternate scenes, mini-episodes, many behind the scenes featurettes, Community Trivia: FAQ’s are answered. There is so much bonus features it would take days to get through it all.
Mill Creek Entertainment put together a impressive Blu-ray release here. The packaging is really sturdy! The Blu-ray discs are housed in 3 Blu-ray cases containing 4 Blu-ray discs, 2 Seasons per Blu-ray case. Each disc has it's own tray which is nice, no stacking here. The art work for each Blu-ray case is unique with different color scheme and scenes from the 2 seasons collected. Than there is the special Cardboard sleeve which the 3 cases slip into which has its own unique artwork as well. This is a beautifully constructed release.
So if your a fan of Community or funny sitcoms this complete series is an absolute must own! I can not recommend it enough! You can pick it up on Blu-ray or if you would prefer it is available on DVD! Head over to MillCreekEnt.com and check out their amazing catalog for your entertainment needs.
Moral Rating: Suggestive material, Adult humor and language
Audience: Adults
Genre: comedy, sitcom
Length: Over 40 hours
DVD Released: 2018
DVD Rating: A