It's hard growing up! We all go through those awkward phases. We have all been bullied and we feel alone, unwanted, unliked. It's easy to retreat into our own little world. Such is the subject of the film Pin Cushion now on DVD from MVD Visual.
The film follows the lives of a meek, eccentric single mother Lyn (Joanna Scanlan) and her teenage daughter Iona (Lily Newmark), who move to a small Midlands town hoping for a fresh new start. Iona tries desperately to fit in with a clique at

The film was written and directed by Deborah Haywood. The film is uncomfortable viewing experience at times to see the lengths some people will go to try and fit in! It is a sadly true life tale. With a tragic and I must admit unexpected ending! The film raises many questions that are good for parents and children to talk about together!
This is an adult film with adult language, adult themes and with give parents a glimpse into the type of pressures kids live under in this generation with bullying! Some films are for entertainment purposes and other films have a greater purpose! Pin Cushion is a film to shine a light on bullying in hopes of eliminating it from our world!
The story moves along fast! The acting is believable. The colors and cinematography are pleasing to the eye and give the film a unique feel! But it is still a very uncomfortable film to sit through, but if you can make it through the film you will come away with a greater understanding of how bullying can effect children and teenagers as well as even adults!
Now for the DVD release. The film is presented in widescreen format and it looks and sounds amazing. The bonus features include a Theatrical trailer for Pin Cushion and a image slideshow of the film. There is also bonus trailers for other films included in the bonus features menu option.
If Pin Cushion sounds like a film you would like to check out, you can see the full trailer and pick up a copy of the film at www.MVDshop.com.
Moral Rating: Adult themes, sexual situation, and adult language
Audience: Adults Only
Genre: Drama
Length: 1 hour 21 minutes
DVD Release: 2018
DVD Rating: B