Some stories can not be properly told in an hour and a half, thus came the mini-series. Some films our just too real! One such mini-series was Human Trafficking. Now the good folks at Mill Creek Entertainment has released this mini-series on DVD.
This mini-series event follows former NYPD Detective and new Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent Kate Morozov. She knows the horror of sexual exploitation, as she suffered from it early in her life from an uncle. So when woman and girls are being kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery she decides something must be done! She dedicates her time and energy to eliminate the networks of human trafficking and bring these kingpins to justice.
The films has an amazing cast including, Mira Sorvino, Donald Sutherland and Robert Carlyle just to name a few. All the actors put everything they have into their roles. Some films are for entertainment other are for education. Human Trafficking is a too real cautionary tale. It's hard for people to believe that this is actually happening, but it is! This films exposes the multi-billion-dollar industry of modern slavery.
The film is an important film that needs to be watched, but can be hard to sit through at times because it's scenes of rape is a tough to stomach and the consequences are heartbreaking at times. While it is a tough film to sit through it is important to educate people about this horrible business, that destroys families and those ladies that become slaves.
This is a poignant thrill ride of a mini-series. It stirs up a lot of emotions, and after all isn't that what film is supposed to do? The story can be slow in spots, but not enough to drag the film down! And while it does deal with a very horrible subject that many want to ignore, their is a somewhat satisfying end to this mini-series! If only we could end this horrible business once and for all!
So if your a fan of mini-series or real life dramas this is one that should be apart of your collection! Head over to www.MillCreekEnt.com or your local DVD provider and pick up Human Trafficking on DVD today.
Moral Rating: some violence, sexual scenes and adult language
Audience: Adults
Genre: Drama, thriller
Length: Almost 3 hours
DVD Release: 2018
DVD Rating: B+