Sci-fi fans love Star Trek and most will tell you the best of all the series is The Original Series. But sadly we only got 3 seasons of William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Deforest Kelly and the others playing the iconic characters we have learned to love.
Now there is no need to fret! The good people at IDW Publishing along with John Byrne has decided to bring us brand new adventures with the original Star Trek crew with what are called "photonovels". This new series is entitled Star Trek New Visions. Let's take a look at what is included in Volume 5.
John Byrne takes stills from the original TV series and crafts new stories from those stills. The stories that he puts together belong right there along side the great stories of the original 3 seasons.
In this Volume 5 of this series we get three full length adventures. In the first entitled “Swarm” the Enterprise faces an alien threat that numbers in the millions. Than in the second adventures “The Hidden Face” a chance encounter with a drifting ship leads the crew to a world where the most obscene thing imaginable is the human face. In the final full length adventure “Sam” Captain Kirk must face one of the greatest moral challenges of his life, proving the innocence of a confessed killer–Sam, his own brother! Now that seems like a lot but there is more! There is a bonus short story "More of the Serpent Than the Dove."
I love what John Byrne is doing with this new series! They are not comic books there photonovels. It has the same feel as a comic book yet without the drawn art. These adventures kind of transport you right onto the Enterprise. The stories are engaging!
I can not say enough how that Star Trek New Visions is a series that all Trekkies should be reading. The cool thing about these volumes are these are stand alone stories and you don't have to get Volume 1-5 to follow the series! Though I would highly recommend getting the entire series! You can get Star Trek Volume 5 for just under 20 buck! That is a steal!
So if your a fan of Star Trek the original series and long for more adventures, this is the series for you. Head over to www.Amazon.com and order your copy today!
Moral Rating: Nothing offensive
Audience: teens and adults
Genre: comic book
Length: 152 pages
Released: 2017
Rating: A+