

NXT & Raw Drafted Superstar Dijak Leaves WWE!

Dijak recently announced via X (Twitter) that he will be departing from WWE. Dijak has been seen in NXT recently feuding with Joe Gacy (now apart of the Wyatt Sick6 group).  During the WWE Draft he was Drafted to Raw. This looked to be a sign of a push for Dijak and a certainty of a new contract as his current contract was running out! But this is apparently not that case after all! Dijak broke the news himself when he wrote,

“Here’s the truth. WWE never negotiated with me. We attempted to negotiate and they stonewalled us. They never made me a single offer, then they informed me they would not renew my contract at the eleventh hour. 2 months ago I was in one of the best matches in NXT history, and a top match of Wrestlemania weekend. On that day, a top executive in WWE told me I was “crushing it.” I was slated to feud for the NXT title but I got called up to RAW instead. I consistently outperformed everyone’s expectations, especially throughout 2023 and early 2024. I never complained about anything or was difficult to work with. I tirelessly pitched ideas to anyone who would listen, as recently as the day before I was notified. I never once missed a booking, and I was injured 1 time in 7 years for 3 months. I’m thankful, disappointed, but also excited. This has lit a fire under me to relentlessly prove myself to the world. All I ever wanted was a fair shot and now I have the opportunity to go out and take it. That’s enough talk, now it’s time to Do or Dijak. My last day under a WWE contract is June 28, 2024. Bookings/Interviews: Get ready to Feast Your (expletive) Eyes.”

As you can see Dijak has indicated his availability for future bookings. With this post he tagged the Twitter handles of Tony Khan, AEW, TNA, Tommy Dreamer, and NJPW.

Now in my humble opinion AEW would be good money option, but with the bloated roster Dijak would get very little in ring time, unless he went to Ring Of Honor (owned by Tony Khan). TNA could be an interesting option. TNA Wrestling have been making strides to get back to their heyday. And if Dijak wants to makes good money and not be handcuffed by TV and censors New Japan Pro Wrestling would be a good fit! Only time will tell where he shows up. We will have to wait and see!

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