

Looney Tunes Collector's Choice Vol. 2: Blu-ray Review

Looney Tunes has recently (at the time of this writing) been trending. Cartoon fans have not been happy as Max had decided to pull Looney Tunes from the service! But Max put everyone at ease when they announced that it was a mistake, and they were not removing them from the service.

Now as bad as it would have been, there is great news. Warner Archive Collection have released a new Blu-ray set of Looney Tunes. Earlier this year we saw the release of Looney Tunes Collector's Choice Volume 1. Now It is time for Volume 2!

There is no dispute. The Warner Bros. Cartoons are the funniest animated shorts in all of film history, and its classic cartoon stars - Bugs Bunny, Tweety and Sylvester, Porky Pig, The Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote, to name but a few - are the most popular of all time. This second collection of rarely seen gems - all presented here for the first time on Blu-ray®- features twenty-five more titles that have been most requested by collectors and connoisseurs.

Twenty-Five classic cartoons on one Blu-ray. This is great for bingeing! You could load up the Blu-ray and just was these 25 cartoons one right after the other. What a great way to spend three hours! Take a look at the cartoons included on this Blu-ray! 

* Behind the Meat-Ball (1945) 
A dog desiring meat, goes to all kinds of lengths to get a steak back from a little dog that outsmarted him.

* Brother Brat (1944) 
A mom is in need of a baby-sitter for her bratty child. She hires the clueless Porky Pig. 

* Catty Cornered (1953) 
Rocky the gangster kidnaps Tweety Bird to hold for ransom. When Sylvester the Cat hears Tweety, he decides to steal Tweety - for his lunch.

* Cross Country Detours (1940) A wacky travelogue takes viewers across the country to many of the country's great tourist attractions.

* Daffy's Southern Exposure (1942)
 Its winter, and Daffy Duck is starving. A fox and a weasel invite him into their cabin and feed him beans. But they are not just being friendly!

* Ding Dog Daddy (1942)
 A dog falls in love with the metal statue of a greyhound.

* The Eager Beaver (1946) 
A little beaver wants to help the big guys building a dam before the flood hits, but he keeps getting in the way.

* Fair and Worm-er (1946)
 This is one long chase scene. A  worm chases an apple; bird chases worm; cat chases bird; dog chases cat; dogcatcher chases dog; dogcatcher's wife chases dogcatcher; mouse chases dogcatcher's wife.

* Fin 'N Catty (1943) 
A cat wants to catch the goldfish, but "As everyone knows, goldfish must have water... and cats hate water." 

* From hand to Mouse (1944)
 A lion caught a fast-talking mouse to eat. The mouse pleads for his life, hoping that someday he may return the favor.

* Ghost Wanted (1940)
 An inexperienced little ghost tries out for a house-haunting job, but winds up getting terrorized by the fat ghost interviewing him for the position.

* Greetings Bait (1943)
 A worm reminiscent of Jerry Colonna is lowered into the water and uses various guises to lure fish. He also tangles with a crab.

* Hamateur Night (1939)
 It's amateur night at the local theatre, and bad act after another keep getting interrupted by Elmer Fudd singing "She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain".

* Hare-Breadth Hurry (1963) 
Bugs takes the Roadrunner's place in a cartoon, suddenly all the rules change.

* A Hick A Slick and A Chick (1948)
 A mouse named Elmo, who's a bit of a yokel, goes to beautiful Daisy Lou to woo her. However, he finds her with the slick Blackie.

* Hiss and Make Up (1948)
A cat, a dog and bird living in one house can't stop fighting each other.

* A Hound for Trouble (1951) 
Kicked off the boat in Italy, Charlie forces himself upon a pizzeria owner.

* I Wanna be a Sailor (1937)
 A young parrot, against his mother's wishes, wants to become a mariner like his absentee father and runs away from home.

* The Leghorn Blows at Midnight (1950)
 Foghorn Leghorn tricks a naive young chicken hawk into believing the barnyard dog is a pheasant.

* Lickety-Splat (1961)
 Wile E. Coyote releases a number of explosive darts to attack the Road Runner, only to have them bedevil him continually during his subsequent attempts.

* One Meat Brawl (1947)
 It's groundhog day, Grover Groundhog's big day - but it's also hunting season for Porky, and he's hunting groundhogs.

* The Penguin Parade (1938)
An evening at a night club for penguins, the stage show includes an appearance by a penguin incarnation of Bing Crosby.

* Rabbit Rampage (1955) 
Bugs argues with the cartoonist who creates him over how he should be drawn.

* The Rebel Without Claws (1961)
In the American Civil War, Tweety is determined to get a message to General Lee, but Sylvester has been deployed to stop him.

* The Wacky Worm (1941) 
A singing worm is pursued by a crow, moving in an amazing variety of ways while escaping.

These classic cartoons have been transferred to Blu-ray in 1080p in 1.37:1 aspect ratio. There are two audio options is a DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 and a Dolby Digital Spanish version. There is also the option for subtitles in English, French and Spanish.

These 25 cartoons look and sound amazing! The only exception to this is the cartoon The Eager Beaver. The audio and video seem a tad out of sync. But that is a mild complaint. Even if you discount that one cartoon, you are getting 24 classic cartoons. That is so great!

Now as is seen on the packaging, this collection "is intended for the Adult collector and May not be suitable for children." This is up to the individual of course, but I grew up on these cartoons and I never did and still am not offended by them. 

I love when Warner Archive Collection releases classic cartoons on Blu-ray. Seeing Volume 1 and now Volume 2. My mind races thinking what might be included in a Volume 3, if we get it! I certainly hope that Warner Archive doesn't disappoint, and brings us Volume 3 soon!

So, if you are a fan of Looney Tunes as much as I am, you need the Warner Archive Collection Looney Tunes Volume 1 and Volume 2 in your collection by heading over to MovieZyng. 

Out of 4 Film Reels (4 Being the Best) Looney Tunes Collector's Choice Vol. 2 receives...

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