

Dreaming Hollywood (2021) { DVD Review}

Reviewed by Jason Lockard

Quentin Tarantino has made some of the most iconic films in this generation. From Kill Bill series to Django Unchained. Reservoir Dogs to Pulp Fiction. One thing is for sure he has a very unique style of film making. 

Just liked filmmakers have been inspired by the great Alfred Hitchcock. In this generation many filmmakers are inspired to make film like Tarantino. Well in 2021 Frank Martinez wrote and directed a film that is more or less a love letter to Tarantino with Fade Our Ray now known as Dreaming Hollywood.

The film follows Ray Balfi, a lonely Los Angeles resident has written a movie screenplay called, "The Dog's Meow." He sends out 100 copies to 100 studios. His dream is to see his film made and he can leave behind his life of drugs, crime and free his girlfriend from her life of prostitution.

The dream is real, but the problem is in reality his screenplay is terrible, and Maureen is only  his girlfriend in his mind.  Soon as the rejection letters mount, Ray is driven to the point of suicide. That is, until he finds out that someone has stolen his story and made it into an actual movie. Ray is now motivated with a new lust for life...and for blood.

Now Dreaming Hollywood is mildly entertaining. Turk Matthews puts everything into his role as Ray Balfi. But I must admit the story is something out of a psychedelic trip. The film could have been and inspiring tale of perseverance, but that is not the wait it played out!

Now it also should be noted that this is a extremely adult film. Just as with Tarantino films Dreaming Hollywood is a film with extreme profanity, violence and adult situations. So by no means is this for the whole family.

The film has been transferred to DVD by MVD Visual and the film looks very good on DVD. Included on this DVD is some very nice bonus features. Take a look at what is included. 

* Theatrical Trailer
* Images Slideshow
* Music Video
* Deleted Scenes

Watch The Trailer Below:

If you are a fan of crazy cinematic experiences Dreaming Hollywood may be just the right films to scratch that itch. But for the average film fan this is not going to seem off the wall and crazy. If you would like a copy of Dreaming Hollywood you can order one by heading over to Amazon today.

Out of 4 film reels (4 being the best) MVD Visual and Cleopatra Entertainment's DVD release of Dreaming Hollywood receives...

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