

Does God want us to be Happy? {Book Review}

Reviewed by Jason Lockard

Happiness! It is something we all want, but it seems we all struggle with enjoying happiness. Why is that?  Ernie Haas and Signature sound's song "Happy People," says, "God's people are happy people", but it seems to me that Christ-followers find themselves increasingly discouraged, defeated and downtrodden. Why is that? Is that God's plan for His People?

Randy Alcorn is the bestselling author of over fifty books, including tremendous graphic novels The Apostle and Eternity (that we had the pleasure of reviewing). Brings his a Case for Biblical Happiness in his new book, "Does God want us to be happy?"

Randy Alcorn tries to answer this question in his 192 page book adapted from the trade book Happiness. The chapters included in this book include;

1. Does God Care about our happiness?

2. Is God Happy?

3. Who was the happiest person in human history?

4. What are some Christian myths about Happiness?

5. Are Joys and Happiness at odds with Each other?

6. Does "Blessed" mean "Happy"?

7. Where does true happiness begin?

8. What kills our happiness?

9. Is it okay to find happiness in God's gifts?

10. What key unlocks happiness?

11. Is happiness for now or later... or both?

12. Can we be happy despite suffering?

13. Will we really live happily ever after?

14. How can happiness transform us, our families and our churches?

I really enjoyed this book! I like that the chapters are short they make a good little devotional for your daily alone time with God. Randy has a very good style to his writing. It is simplistic, yet filled with tons of information for the seasoned Christian reader.

So if you are struggling with happiness in your life and you would like to uncover what the bible says, this book is a good resource that will give you weeks of study. 

If you would like to add a copy of this book to your library you can get it on a hardback book or on Kindle at

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