His name is linked with the Holocaust. His name will live forever, but not the way he wanted. He will be remembered as on of the most vile men ever to live. His name is Adolph Hitler. Now Echo Bridge Entertainment brings us a mini-series about the man!
In 2003 CBS made a controversial mini-series about Adolph Hitler. Robert Carlyle portrays the dangerous and evil Hitler and does a superb job. This mini-series tracks Hitler from his early years uncovering his talents as an artist to his years in the military and untimely to his dictatorship.
I think CBS wanted to uncover what cause Hitler to become the embodiment of evil, but sometime there is just no answer. This is an amazing mini-series the cinematography is stunning and the acting is great especially Carlyle who on film simply becomes Hitler. No wonder the film 7 Emmy award nominations.
As if a over 3 hour mini-series isn’t enough Echo Bridge has jammed together 4 other short films about Hitler on this disc. They include, Hitler stole my ideas, Hitler’s religion, The battle of Germany: The Final Act and The Battle of Berlin: Death of a City.
This impressive collection of historical films. If you love historical movies as much as I do, I highly recommend you head over to www.Amazon.com or your local DVD provider and get your copy today.
Moral Rating: Violence, sexual situations and language
Audience: Teens and Adults
Genre: Historical Drama
Length: Almost Over 6 hours
DVD Released: 2013
DVD Rating: A