The Most Dangerous Game (2022) {Mill Creek Entertainment Blu-ray Review}

In 1932 there was a film entitled The Most Dangerous Game starring Leslie Banks and Faye Wray. This thriller has become somewhat of a classic. Now in 2022 come a remake of this classic.

The Most Dangerous Game was released in select theaters and Video. But now it is time for the physical media release. Mill Creek Entertainment are bringing this film on DVD and Blu-ray. 

A father and son on a steamer ship bound for a great hunting expedition in the wilds of Alaska are shipwrecked on a mysterious island. Greeted warmly by the island’s only resident, the relieved men are wined and dined and talk of hunting ensues. When their host reveals the true nature of his trophy hunts, the stranded men are forced to run for their lives or fight to survive on a desolate island that is a human hunting ground.

The film is obviously a low budget action, adventure film. So your not getting large budget effects and huge name actors. But there is some recognizable names included in the cast. The film stars Chris "CT" Tamburello (MTV's The Challenge), Casper Van Dien (Starship Troopers, Sleepy Hollow), Tom Berenger (Major League, Platoon), Bruce Dern (Silent Running, The Burbs) and Judd Nelson (The Breakfast Club, St. Elmo's Fire).

Now Bruce, Judd, Tom and Casper are good in anything they do. But I was interested in how CT was going to do, as he was going to do the majority if the heavy lifting in this thriller. I think CT has a lot of promise. By no means would I call this film a home run. The film can be a bit slow at times. But rabid B movie fans will be all in for this one.

Now I should make on thing clear. Fans of the original film should be aware. While the story is more or less the same, the violence and the profanity has been amped up. So even though this film is not rated be aware this is an R rated type of film.

According to the film's director Justin Lee the classic film "..was a movie that always intrigued me as a filmmaker." The film was shot entirely on the Koenig Pictures backlot in Oregon state and the beauty of nature is a sight to behold. But it is a daunting task to try to remake a classic. It is one task I would never take on. But I give this crew credit for trying. 

The film has been transferred to Blu-ray in 1080p in 2.35:1 aspect ratio. The Soundtrack is aq English DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0. There is also English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing. The transfer looks and sounds pretty impressive!

Now Mill Creek Entertainment didn't release this film on a bare bones Blu-ray no way! They added some very cool bonus features. Take a look at what is included.

* History of the Hunt: A Most Dangerous Adaptions
This is a pretty cool 5 minutes look at the original film in comparison to the New adaption.

* Surviving the Game: Behind the scenes Featurette
A 2 minute gallery look at the still shots.

* Inside artwork on the Blu-ray insert

It is hard for me to watch this film and not compare it to the original! That is completely unfair to this film, but that is just the way it is. While it is not as great as the original it is a nice little film escape. Fans of B movies will defiantly get a kick out of this one.

If you love Casper Van Dien or adventure remakes The Most Dangerous Game Blu-ray from Mill Creek Entertainment may just be the film have been looking for. Head over to Deep Discount and order your copy today.

Out of Four Film Reels Sets (Four Being the Best) Mill Creek Entertainment's Blu-ray release The Most Dangerous Game receives.

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