Stephen King's A Good Marriage (2014) DVD Review

Few writers have scared their readers like Stephen King. He has written some of the best horror novels. Many of those novel's have received film adaptions. Probably the best would be Misery, Pet Semetary, The Shining and Shawshank Redemption. 

Now it is no secret that there are very few adaptions that King likes. Most of the films he considers bad. But that doesn't stop filmmakers from acquiring the rights and making a film.

In 2014 filmmaker Peter Askin took Stephen King's short story A Good Marriage and made it into a full length feature film. And what made me have very high hopes for this film was Stephen King himself wrote the screenplay! Now Giant Interactive have released this film on DVD!

Synopsis: With a serial killer on the loose and a stranger stalking her family, a dedicated wife unveils a sinister secret about her husband that threatens their marriage, and their lives.

It no secret that King get inspiration from real life. His story A Good Marriage was inspired by the BTK Killer, Dennis Radner. A normal happily married man and a leader in his community, who just happens to have been a serial killer for almost 30 years. 

A Good Marriage is a great premise, but sometimes things don't translate well from the page to the screen. The film just seems to slows. I thought if anyone could have adapted the King story to film it would have been King. Maybe being the this was a short story this film would have been better as a short film.

The real bright spot here is the performance by Anthony LaPaglia. The way he balances the good father and the serial killer is a chilling thing to watch. And Joan Allen is a very good balance to Anthony's killer performance.

Giant Interactive have transferred this film to Made-On-Demand DVD. Thus film is presented in widescreen format and the audio is an English Dolby Digital 5.1. Sadly there are no subtitles. The quality of the this transfer is really nice the colors are bright and fleshtones are correct and there is no signs of digital artifact and the audio is clean. 

Now for bonus feature sadly there is just the trailer. But of course it is better to have a trailer than nothing at all! Another thing I don't particularly care for is the fact that this is a burned disc. I would have much preferred a pressed DVD as those have a longer life span.

If you love Stephen King films as much as I do, you probably enjoy even the bad ones. While 'A Good Marriage' is far from the best adaption it makes a good little night of movie viewing. Head over to MovieZyng or Amazon and order your copy today!  

Out of 4 film reels (4 being the best) The DVD release of A Good Marriage receives.....

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